CS393R: Autonomous Robots -- Assignments
CS393R: Autonomous Robots -- Assignments
Things to do ASAP (before the first class if possible)
Week 0 (8/27): Class Overview
Week 1 (8/30, 9/1): Introduction to motion control
Jump to the resources page.
Readings: (email response due Monday, 8/29 at 9pm)
Ben Kuipers' Control Tutorial.
Programming: (due Thursday, 9/8 at 12:30pm)
Programming assignment 1 is designed to get you familiar with the robots.
Week 2 (9/6, 9/8): Motion control continued
Jump to the resources page.
Readings: (email response due Monday, at 9pm)
Braitenberg, 1984.
The UT Austin Villa 2003 Four-Legged Team, Extended version
The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences, AI Laboratory Tech report UT-AI-TR-03-304.
Read Sections 5.1.1-5.1.3.
A Model-Based Approach to Robot Joint Control
Stronger and Peter Stone.
In Daniele Nardi, Martin Riedmiller, and
Claude Sammut, editors, RoboCup-2004: Robot Soccer World Cup VIII,
pp. 297
Programming: (due Thursday, 9/8 at 12:30pm)
Programming assignment 1 is designed to get you familiar with the robots.
Week 3 (9/13,9/15): Probability/Sensing
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Readings: (email response due Monday, 9pm)
Programming: (due Thursday, 9/22 at 12:30pm)
Programming assignment 2.
Week 4 (9/20,9/22): Kalman Filters
Jump to the resources page.
Readings: (email response due Monday, 9pm)
- Chapter 1 of Peter Maybeck's "Stochastic models, estimation, and control", Maybeck, 1979.
- Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of Probabilistic Robotics. (Section 3.2.4 is optional - read it only if you're interested and have the background)
- Optional (recommend at least skimming)
Programming: (due Thursday, 9/22 at 12:30pm)
Programming assignment 2.
Week 5 (9/27,9/29): Localization
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Readings: (email response due Monday, 9pm)
Programming: (due Thursday, 10/6 at 12:30pm)
Programming assignment 3.
Week 6 (10/4,10/6): Vision
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Readings: (email response due Monday, 9pm)
Programming: (due Thursday, 10/6 at 12:30pm)
Programming assignment 3 .
Week 7 (10/11,10/13): Walking
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Readings: (email response due Monday, at 9pm)
Programming: (due Thursday, 10/13 at 12:30pm)
Final project topic proposal
Once you have determined what you would like to do for your
project and with whom you would like to work, send a description of
your project as well as your particular goals for it (one per person -
not per team). Make sure to include the name(s) of your partner(s).
The more detail you provide, the more easily we will be able to
provide meaningful feedback.
See the final project page for more
Your response should be sent as ASCII text (not encoded in
any way) to Peter Stone
& Katie Genter with subject: "Project proposal".
Week 8 (10/18,10/20): Action and Sensor Modeling
Jump to the resources page.
Readings: (email response due Monday, 9pm)
Programming: (due Thursday, 10/20 at 12:30pm)
Programming assignment 4 .
Week 9 (10/25, 10/27): Path Planning
Jump to the resources page.
Readings: (email response due Monday, at 9pm)
RRT: Rapidly-exploring random trees: Progress and prospects.
Lavalle and Kuffner.
D* lite: Fast Replanning for Navigation in Unknown Terrain.
Koenig and Likhachev
For additional (optional) readings, see the resources page.
Week 10 (11/1,11/3): Behavior Architectures
Jump to the resources page.
Readings: (email response due Monday, at 9pm)
Intelligence without Representation.
Rodney A. Brooks.
Artificial Intelligence 47 (1991), 139-159.
PDF version.
Experiences with an Architecture for Intelligent, Reactive Agents.
R. Peter Bonasso, R. James Firby, Erann Gat, David Kortenkamp, David P. Miller, and Marc G. Slack.
JETAI 9(2/3):237-256, 1997.
Programming: (due Thursday, 11/3 at 12:30pm)
Programming assignment 5.
Week 11 (11/8, 11/10): Multi-Robot Coordination
Jump to the resources page.
Readings: (email response due Monday, at 9pm)
Current Research in Multi-robot Systems.
Lynne Parker
ALife Robotics, 2003.
If you have the time, the more recent survey from 2008 on the
resources page isn't that much longer
A Realistic Model
of Frequency-Based Multi-Robot Fence Patrolling.
Yehuda Elmaliach, Asaf Shiloni, and Gal A. Kaminka.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS-08)
It's OK to skim sections 3.2 and 3.3. Make sure to
understand what they analyze and how. It's OK not to follow the full
details of the analysis (though it all should be accessible).
Coordinating Hundreds of Cooperative, Autonomous Vehicles in Warehouses.
Peter R.Wurman, Raffaelo D'Andrea, and Mick Mountz.
AAAI Magazine, 2007.
For additional (optional) readings, see the resources page.
Programming: (due Thursday, 11/10 at 12:30pm)
Final project literature survey. See the final project page for more
Week 12 (11/15, 11/17): Applications
Jump to the resources page.
Readings: (email response due Monday, at 9pm)
This is a long pair of articles. More important than the details is the
full scope of subproblems that arose, and how they were addressed.
Multiagent Interactions in Urban Driving.
Patrick Beeson, Jack O'Quin, Bartley Gillan, Tarun Nimmagadda, Mickey
Ristroph, David Li, and Peter Stone.
Journal of Physical Agents, 2(1):15-30 March 2008
Autonomous driving in urban environments: Boss and the Urban Challenge.
The CMU winning entry in the 2007 Urban Challenge.
Journal of Field Robotics Special Issue 2008.
For additional (optional) readings, see the resources page.
Week 13 (11/22): Social Implications
Jump to the resources page.
Readings: (email response due Monday, at 9pm)
Why the Future Doesn't Need Us by Bill Joy - Wired, 2000.
(pdf version)
The Essence of Soccer: Can Robots Play Too?
Peter Stone, Michael Quinlan, and Todd Hester.
Week 14 (11/29, 12/1): Project Demos
Jump to the resources page.
Programming: (due Tuesday and Thursday, 11/29 and 12/1 at 12:30pm)
Final project report.
See the final project page for more
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Page maintained by
Peter Stone
Questions? Send me