CS393R: Autonomous Robots -- Differences between Tekkotsu 4.0 and Tekkotsu 5.1
We are using Tekkotsu 5.1 for this course. However, since you may want to reference the Tekkotsu 4.1 tutorial or course slides from CMU that used Tekkotsu 4.1, here are some of the main differences between version 4.0 and version 5.1. If you find more that you want to share, email Katie.
As mentioned at the beginning of the 5.1 tutorial, DoStart() is now doStart(), DoStop() is now doStop(), and processEvent(const EventBase&) is now doEvent().
Behaviors are now written in .cc or .cc.fsm files (previously .h files were often appropriate).
#include "IPC/SharedObject.h" is now needed when using SharedObjects.
BehaviorBase::DoStart(); is no longer needed in the doStart() method of behaviors. Likewise, BehaviorBase::DoStop(); is no longer needed in the doStop() method of behaviors.
Registering behaviors for use in the Tekkotsu framework (ie, so they appear in the GUI controller) is much easier now. Just include REGISTER_BEHAVIOR(myBehavior); at the end of your .cc files, where REGISTER_BEHAVIOR is a macro and myBehavior is the name of your behavior.