You are required to work in teams of 2 and are strongly encouraged to work on all aspects together (i.e. pair programming rather than divide and conquer). Teams should only turn in one submission. However, each person must turn in an independently-written summary of each person's contribution to the final product.
You may build on existing work for this project and utilize existing code (your own or code found on the web), but you must give proper attribution to all existing work that you build on and make clear what your new contribution is. Any unattributed or uncited work that you use will be considered a breach of academic honesty and dealt with according to the course policy in the syllabus. Furthermore, you may not claim your own existing work as a new contribution. You may build on your own work, but it must be clearly cited as existing work and you must do new work for the class project.
The schedule is as follows.
The proposal should be written with the goal of convincing us that what you are proposing to do is interesting and non-trivial (though not necessarily completely original - see below).
It is completely legitimate to propose to do something based on something you read about provided that you are going to do the coding yourself. Just make sure to acknowledge any ideas (and code) that you borrow and be sure to clearly identify what you are going to do.
We encourage you to look ahead to topics that will be covered later in the course that may interest you, or to focus on a topic of interest that will not be covered in this course.
Be as specific as you can at this point. The more specific you are, the more detailed feedback you will get. For example, if you are doing an "applications" project: Even if you are doing more of an algorithm-based or theory-based project, try to be similarly specific about what you intend to study. What is your main question?
And of course if you are reimplementing an existing technique or replicating a prior experiment, say exactly which.
Note that we will not be able to provide feedback on all proposals. This will be treated as a completion grade. However, we will read all proposals and will give feedback on those that need refinement.
- Submit a literature survey of the work most closely related to your project to the instructors and TAs. It should begin with a summary of your current plans for the final project. If nothing has changed since the proposal, you can use the same text. If you have changed your plans in some way and would like further feedback, please make it very clear by placing the changes in bold or in a clearly marked separate section. Then the survey should include at least 10 references, some of which can be from the class readings. For each, you should discuss how it differs from or is similar to the work you plan to turn in for your final project. A good survey discusses each of the references at a technical level - not just what is done, but also how. Please put the references at the end, with full reference information (authors, title, date, publication venue, etc.). We suggest writing this as if it were a section of a research paper, so that you can then use it directly in your final report.
- Note that we will not be able to provide feedback on all literature surveys. This will be treated as a completion grade. However, it is an important checkpoint along the way to a successful project and will allow us to give input as needed.
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