Section 5.6 of Distributed Rational Decision Making. (Due Tuesday) Tuomas Sandholm.
In the textbook Multiagent Systems: A Modern Introduction to
Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Weiss, G., ed., MIT Press. p. 201-258. Just Section 5.6 on General Equilibrium: (p. 34-43 in the version linked above)
Walverine: A Walrasian Trading Agent. (Due Thursday)
S-F Cheng, E Leung, KM Lochner, K O'Malley, DM Reeves, LJ Schvartzman, and MP Wellman.
Decision Support Systems 2003, to appear. Focus especially on the use of General Equilibrium: you can go more quiickly over Section 7.
Week 9 (10/21,23): Reputation
Discussion leader: Long (Tuesday), Karen (Thursday).
I would like each of you to please take a few minutes to give me
some feedback on how this class is running so far by filling out the
following survey. The
survey was designed for my undergraduate class last semester, so not
all fields are appropriate. Just fill out the ones that are
appropriate or that you feel like you have something to say
about. Note that you have the option of filling it out anonymously by
omitting your name - it will be filtered through a web server and I
won't know who sent the message. Please feel free to use that
option. If you want to ignore the format of the survey, just pick any
of the boxes and write something to me free-form. The main point is
that I want to know what you'd like to see change for the rest of the
The Market for Evaluations. (due Tuesday)
Christopher Avery, Paul Resnick, Richard Zeckhauser.
American Economic Review 89(3):564-584, 1999 Note: The above link works from UTCS machines, but may not work from an off-campus computer.
From outside UTCS, try this link.
Reputation Systems (due Thursday)
Paul Resnick, Richard Zeckhauser, Eric Friedman, and Ko Kuwabara.
Communications of the ACM, 43(12), December 20000, pages 45-48.
If you can't access the published version, try this link.
Shopbots and Pricebots. (due Thursday) Amy R. Greenwald and Jeffrey O. Kephart
In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, pages 506-511, Stockholm, Sweden, August 1999.
Anomalies: The Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, and Status Quo Bias. (due Tuesday)
Daniel Kahneman, Jack L. Knetsch, and Richard H. Thaler.
The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 5, No. 1, (Winter, 1991), 193-206. Note: The above link works from UTCS machines, but may not work from an off-campus computer.