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- 1
Minoru Asada, Eiji Uchibe, Shoichi Noda, Sukoya Tawaratsumida, and Koh Hosoda.
Coordination of multiple behaviors acquired by vision-based
reinforcement learning.
In Proc. of IEEE/RSJ/GI International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems 1994 (IROS '94), pages 917-924, 1994.
- 2
Mike Bowling, Peter Stone, and Manuela Veloso.
Predictive memory for an inaccessible environment.
In Proceedings of the IROS-96 Workshop on RoboCup, November
- 3
Andrew Garland and Richard Alterman.
Multiagent learning through collective memory.
In Adaptation, Coevolution and Learning in Multiagent Systems:
Papers from the 1996 AAAI Spring Symposium, pages 33-38, Menlo Park,CA,
March 1996. AAAI Press.
AAAI Technical Report SS-96-01.
- 4
Jong-Hwan Kim, editor.
Proceedings of the Micro-Robot World Cup Soccer Tournament,
Taejon, Korea, November 1996.
- 5
Hiroaki Kitano, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Itsuki Noda, Minoru Asada, Hitoshi Matsubara,
and Eiichi Osawa.
RoboCup: A challenge problem for AI.
AI Magazine, 18(1):73-85, Spring 1997.
- 6
Hitoshi Matsubara, Itsuki Noda, and Kazuo Hiraki.
Learning of cooperative actions in multi-agent systems: a case study
of pass play in soccer.
In Adaptation, Coevolution and Learning in Multiagent Systems:
Papers from the 1996 AAAI Spring Symposium, pages 63-67, Menlo Park,CA,
March 1996. AAAI Press.
AAAI Technical Report SS-96-01.
- 7
Itsuki Noda and Hitoshi Matsubara.
Soccer server and researches on multi-agent systems.
In Proceedings of the IROS-96 Workshop on RoboCup, November
- 8
J. Ross Quinlan.
C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning.
Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1993.
- 9
Michael K. Sahota.
Dynasim user guide., January 1996.
- 10
Michael K. Sahota, Alan K. Mackworth, Rod A. Barman, and Stewart J. Kingdon.
Real-time control of soccer-playing robots using off-board vision:
the dynamite testbed.
In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, pages 3690-3663, 1995.
- 11
Randy Sargent, Bill Bailey, Carl Witty, and Anne Wright.
Dynamic object capture using fast vision tracking.
AI Magazine, 18(1):65-72, Spring 1997.
- 12
Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso.
Beating a defender in robotic soccer: Memory-based learning of a
continuous function.
In David S. Touretzky, Michael C. Mozer, and Michael E. Hasselmo,
editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8, pages
896-902, Cambridge, MA, 1996. MIT press.
- 13
Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso.
A layered approach to learning client behaviors in the RoboCup
soccer server.
To appear in Applied AI Journal, 1998.
- 14
Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso.
Towards collaborative and adversarial learning: A case study in
robotic soccer.
in International Journal of Human-Computer Systems (IJHCS), 48,
- 15
Manuela Veloso, Peter Stone, Kwun Han, and Sorin Achim.
CMUnited: A team of robotic soccer agents collaborating in an
adversarial environment.
In H. Kitano, editor, RoboCup-97: The First Robot World Cup
Soccer Games and Conferences. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1998, in
this volume.
Peter Stone
Sun Dec 7 06:59:19 EST 1997