Peter Stone's Selected Publications

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Multiagent Traffic Management: A Reservation-Based Intersection Control Mechanism

Multiagent Traffic Management: A Reservation-Based Intersection Control Mechanism.
Kurt Dresner and Peter Stone.
In The Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 530–537, July 2004.
Some simulations of cars driving through intersections referenced in the paper. The main project page


[PDF]233.8kB  [postscript]492.0kB  


Traffic congestion is one of the leading causes of lost productivity and decreased standard of living in urban settings. Recent advances in artificial intelligence suggest vehicle navigation by autonomous agents will be possible in the near future. In this paper, we propose a reservation-based system for alleviating traffic congestion, specifically at intersections, and under the assumption that the cars are controlled by agents. First, we describe a custom simulator that we have created to measure the different delays associated with conducting traffic through an intersection. Second, we specify a precise metric for evaluating the quality of traffic control at an intersection. Using this simulator and this metric, we show that our reservation-based system can perform two to three hundred times better than traffic lights. As a result, it can smoothly handle much heavier traffic conditions. We show that our system very closely approximates an overpass, which is the optimal solution for the problem with which we are dealing.

BibTeX Entry

        author="Kurt Dresner and Peter Stone",
        title="Multiagent Traffic Management: A Reservation-Based Intersection Control Mechanism",
        booktitle="The Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems",
                  Traffic congestion is one of the leading causes of
                  lost productivity and decreased standard of living
                  in urban settings.  Recent advances in artificial
                  intelligence suggest vehicle navigation by
                  autonomous agents will be possible in the near
                  future.  In this paper, we propose a
                  reservation-based system for alleviating traffic
                  congestion, specifically at intersections, and under
                  the assumption that the cars are controlled by
                  agents.  First, we describe a custom simulator that
                  we have created to measure the different delays
                  associated with conducting traffic through an
                  intersection.  Second, we specify a precise metric
                  for evaluating the quality of traffic control at an
                  intersection.  Using this simulator and this metric,
                  we show that our reservation-based system can
                  perform two to three hundred times better than
                  traffic lights.  As a result, it can smoothly handle
                  much heavier traffic conditions.  We show that our
                  system very closely approximates an overpass, which
                  is the optimal solution for the problem with which
                  we are dealing.
        wwwnote={Some <a
href="">simulations of cars driving through intersections</a> referenced in the paper. The <a href="">main project page</a><br>
                 <a href="">AAMAS-2004</a>},

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