Peter Stone's Selected Publications

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UT Austin Villa 2011: A Champion Agent in the RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation Competition

UT Austin Villa 2011: A Champion Agent in the RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation Competition.
Patrick MacAlpine, Daniel Urieli, Samuel Barrett, Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan, Francisco Barrera, Adrian Lopez-Mobilia, Nicolae \cStiurc\ua, Victor Vu, and Peter Stone.
In Proc. of 11th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), June 2012.
Accompanying videos at


[PDF]646.3kB  [postscript]2.7MB  [slides.pdf]135.4MB  


This paper presents the architecture and key components of a simulated humanoid robot soccer team, UT Austin Villa, which was designed to compete in the RoboCup 3D simulation competition. These key components include (1) an omnidirectional walk engine and associated walk parameter optimization framework, (2) an inverse kinematics based kicking architecture, and (3) a dynamic role assignment and positioning system. UT Austin Villa won the RoboCup 2011 3D simulation competition in convincing fashion by winning all 24 games it played. During the course of the competition the team scored 136 goals while conceding none. We analyze the effect of each component in isolation and show through extensive experiments that the complete team significantly outperforms all the other teams from the competition.

BibTeX Entry

  author = {Patrick MacAlpine and Daniel Urieli and Samuel Barrett and Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan and Francisco Barrera and Adrian Lopez-Mobilia and Nicolae \c{S}tiurc\u{a} and Victor Vu and Peter Stone},
  title = {{UT} {A}ustin {V}illa 2011: A Champion Agent in the {R}obo{C}up 3{D} Soccer Simulation Competition},
  booktitle = {Proc. of 11th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS)},
  location = {Valencia, Spain},
  month = {June},
  year = {2012},
   This paper presents the architecture and key components of a simulated humanoid robot soccer team, UT Austin Villa, which was designed to compete in the RoboCup 3D simulation competition. These key components include (1) an omnidirectional walk engine and associated walk parameter optimization framework, (2) an inverse kinematics based kicking architecture, and (3) a dynamic role assignment and positioning system. UT Austin Villa won the RoboCup 2011 3D simulation competition in convincing fashion by winning all 24 games it played. During the course of the competition the team scored 136 goals while conceding none. We analyze the effect of each component in isolation and show through extensive experiments that the complete team significantly outperforms all the other teams from the competition.
  wwwnote={Accompanying videos at <a href=""></a>},

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