Peter Stone's Selected Publications

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A Platform for Evaluating Autonomous Intersection Management Policies

A Platform for Evaluating Autonomous Intersection Management Policies.
Chien-Liang Fok, Maykel Hanna, Seth Gee, Tsz-Chiu Au, Peter Stone, Christine Julien, and Sriram Vishwanath.
In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Third International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), April 2012.


[PDF]5.7MB  [postscript]61.7MB  


There is a significant push towards greater vehicularautonomy on roads to increase convenience and improveoverall driver experience. To enable this autonomy, it is imperativethat cyber-physical infrastructure be deployed to enableefficient control and communication. An essential componentof such road instrumentation is intersection management.This paper develops an intersection management platformthat provides the sensing and communication infrastructureneeded to enable efficient intersection management policies.The testbed, located in a indoor laboratory, consists of anintersection and multiple robotic vehicles that can sense andcommunicate. Whereas traditional approaches to intersectionmanagement rely on simulations, this testbed enables the firstrealistic evaluation of several intersection management policies.Six simple but practical centralized and distributed policiesare evaluated and compared against the current state of theart, i.e., traffic signals and stop signs. Through extensiveexperimentation, this paper concludes that, in the scenariotested, even a simple coordinated management policy can halvevehicular delay, while improving the aggregate traversal timeof the intersection by 169\%.

BibTeX Entry

  author = {Chien-Liang Fok and Maykel Hanna and Seth Gee and Tsz-Chiu Au and Peter Stone and Christine Julien and Sriram Vishwanath},
  title = {A Platform for Evaluating Autonomous Intersection Management Policies},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the {ACM/IEEE} Third International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS)},
  location = {Beijing, China},
  month = {April},
  year = {2012},
  abstract = {
There is a significant push towards greater vehicular
autonomy on roads to increase convenience and improve
overall driver experience. To enable this autonomy, it is imperative
that cyber-physical infrastructure be deployed to enable
efficient control and communication. An essential component
of such road instrumentation is intersection management.
This paper develops an intersection management platform
that provides the sensing and communication infrastructure
needed to enable efficient intersection management policies.
The testbed, located in a indoor laboratory, consists of an
intersection and multiple robotic vehicles that can sense and
communicate. Whereas traditional approaches to intersection
management rely on simulations, this testbed enables the first
realistic evaluation of several intersection management policies.
Six simple but practical centralized and distributed policies
are evaluated and compared against the current state of the
art, i.e., traffic signals and stop signs. Through extensive
experimentation, this paper concludes that, in the scenario
tested, even a simple coordinated management policy can halve
vehicular delay, while improving the aggregate traversal time
of the intersection by 169\%.

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