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UT Austin Villa: Project-Driven Research in AI and Robotics.
Genter, Katie, MacAlpine, Patrick, Menashe, Jacob,
Hannah, Josiah, Liebman, Elad, Narvekar, Sanmit, Zhang,Ruohan, and Stone, Peter.
IEEE Intelligent Systems , 31(02):94–101,
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, March 2016.
Available from publisher's
UT Austin Villa is a robot soccer team that has competed in the annual RoboCup soccer competitions since 2003. The team has won several championships and has inspired research contributions spanning many topics in robotics and artificial intelligence. This article summarizes some of these research contributions and provides a snapshot into the current development status of the team. Educational uses of the team's code bases are also presented.
@ARTICLE{IEEE-IS2016, author={Genter, Katie and MacAlpine, Patrick and Menashe, Jacob and Hannah, Josiah and Liebman, Elad and Narvekar, Sanmit and Zhang, Ruohan and Stone, Peter}, journal={ IEEE Intelligent Systems }, title="{UT} {A}ustin {V}illa: Project-Driven Research in AI and Robotics", year={2016}, volume={31}, number={02}, ISSN={1941-1294}, pages={94--101}, abstract={ UT Austin Villa is a robot soccer team that has competed in the annual RoboCup soccer competitions since 2003. The team has won several championships and has inspired research contributions spanning many topics in robotics and artificial intelligence. This article summarizes some of these research contributions and provides a snapshot into the current development status of the team. Educational uses of the team's code bases are also presented. }, keywords={Robot kinematics;Robot sensing systems;Legged locomotion;Three-dimensional displays;Solid modeling;Educational robots}, wwwnote={Available from <a href="https://www.computer.org/csdl/magazine/ex/2016/02/mex2016020094/13rRUIJcWq6">publisher's webpage</a>}, doi={10.1109/MIS.2016.35}, url = {https://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/MIS.2016.35}, publisher={IEEE Computer Society}, address={Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, month=mar, }
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