Peter Stone's Selected Publications

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Model-based Reinforcement Learning in a Complex Domain

Model-based Reinforcement Learning in a Complex Domain.
Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan, Peter Stone, and Yaxin Liu.
In Ubbo Visser, Fernando Ribeiro, Takeshi Ohashi, and Frank Dellaert, editors, RoboCup-2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XI, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 171–83, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2008.


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Reinforcement learning is a paradigm under which an agent seeks to improve its policy by making learning updates based on the experiences it gathers through interaction with the environment. Model-free algorithms perform updates solely based on observed experiences. By contrast, model-based algorithms learn a model of the environment that effectively simulates its dynamics. The model may be used to simulate experiences or to plan into the future, potentially expediting the learning process. This paper presents a model-based reinforcement learning approach for Keepaway, a complex, continuous, stochastic, multiagent subtask of RoboCup simulated soccer. First, we propose the design of an environmental model that is partly learned based on the agent's experiences. This model is then coupled with the reinforcement learning algorithm to learn an action selection policy. We evaluate our method through empirical comparisons with model-free approaches that have been previously applied successfully to this task. Results demonstrate significant gains in the learning speed and asymptotic performance of our method. We also show that the learned model can be used effectively as part of a planning-based approach with a hand-coded policy.

BibTeX Entry

        author="Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan and Peter Stone and Yaxin Liu",
        title="Model-based Reinforcement Learning in a Complex Domain",
        booktitle= "{R}obo{C}up-2007: Robot Soccer World Cup {XI}",
        Editor="Ubbo Visser and Fernando Ribeiro and Takeshi Ohashi and Frank Dellaert",
        Publisher="Springer Verlag",address="Berlin",year="2008",
        series="Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence",      
        abstract={Reinforcement learning is a paradigm under which an
                  agent seeks to improve its policy by making learning
                  updates based on the experiences it gathers through
                  interaction with the environment. \emph{Model-free}
                  algorithms perform updates solely based on observed
                  experiences. By contrast, \emph{model-based}
                  algorithms learn a model of the environment that
                  effectively simulates its dynamics. The model may be
                  used to simulate experiences or to plan into the
                  future, potentially expediting the learning
                  process. This paper presents a model-based
                  reinforcement learning approach for Keepaway, a
                  complex, continuous, stochastic, multiagent subtask
                  of RoboCup simulated soccer. First, we propose the
                  design of an environmental model that is partly
                  learned based on the agent's experiences.  This
                  model is then coupled with the reinforcement
                  learning algorithm to learn an action selection
                  policy. We evaluate our method through empirical
                  comparisons with model-free approaches that have
                  been previously applied successfully to this
                  task. Results demonstrate significant gains in the
                  learning speed and asymptotic performance of our
                  method. We also show that the learned model can be
                  used effectively as part of a planning-based
                  approach with a hand-coded policy.},
	wwnote = {Official version from <a href="">Publisher's Webpage</a>&copy Springer-Verlag},

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