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The CMUnited-97 Simulator Team

The CMUnited-97 Simulator Team.
Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso.
In Hiroaki Kitano, editors, RoboCup-97: Robot Soccer World Cup I, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 387–397, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1998.
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The Soccer Server system provides a rich and challenging multiagent, real-time domain. Agents must accurately perceive and act despite a quickly changing, largely hidden, noisy world. They must also act at several levels, ranging from individual skills to full-team collaborative and adversarial behaviors. This article presents the CMUnited-97 approaches to the above challenges which helped the team to the semifinals of the 29-team RoboCup-97 tournament.

BibTeX Entry

        Author="Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso",
        Title="The {CMU}nited-97 Simulator Team",
        booktitle= "{R}obo{C}up-97: Robot Soccer World Cup {I}",
        Editor="Hiroaki Kitano",
        Publisher="Springer Verlag",address="Berlin",year="1998",
        series="Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence",      
                 The Soccer Server system provides a rich and
                 challenging multiagent, real-time domain.  Agents
                 must accurately perceive and act despite a quickly
                 changing, largely hidden, noisy world.  They must
                 also act at several levels, ranging from individual
                 skills to full-team collaborative and adversarial
                 behaviors.  This article presents the CMUnited-97
                 approaches to the above challenges which helped the
                 team to the semifinals of the 29-team RoboCup-97
        wwwnote={<a href="">HTML version</a>.<br>
Official version from <a href="">Publisher's Webpage</a>&copy Springer-Verlag},

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