Peter Stone's Selected Publications

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The First International Trading Agent Competition: Autonomous Bidding Agents

The First International Trading Agent Competition: Autonomous Bidding Agents.
Peter Stone and Amy Greenwald.
Electronic Commerce Research, 5(2):229–65, April 2005.
Official version from publisher's website © Springer-Verlag


[PDF]398.7kB  [postscript]679.1kB  


This article summarizes the bidding algorithms developed for the on-line Trading Agent Competition held in July, 2000 in Boston. At its heart, the article describes 12 of the 22 agent strategies in terms of (i) bidding strategy, (ii) allocation strategy, (iii) special approaches, and (iv) team motivations. The common and distinctive features of these agent strategies are highlighted. In addition, experimental results are presented that give some insights as to why the top-scoring agents' strategies were most effective.

BibTeX Entry

    author="Peter Stone and Amy Greenwald",
    Title="The First International Trading Agent Competition: Autonomous Bidding Agents",
    journal="Electronic Commerce Research",
              This article summarizes the bidding algorithms developed
              for the on-line Trading Agent Competition held in July,
              2000 in Boston.  At its heart, the article describes 12
              of the 22 agent strategies in terms of (i) bidding
              strategy, (ii) allocation strategy, (iii) special
              approaches, and (iv) team motivations.  The common and
              distinctive features of these agent strategies are
              highlighted.  In addition, experimental results are
              presented that give some insights as to why the
              top-scoring agents' strategies were most effective.
    wwwnote = {Official version from <a href="">publisher's website </a>&copy Springer-Verlag},

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