Peter Stone's Selected Publications

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Autonomous Bidding Agents in the Trading Agent Competition

Autonomous Bidding Agents in the Trading Agent Competition.
Amy Greenwald and Peter Stone.
IEEE Internet Computing, 5(2):52–60, March/April 2001.
Magazine's website


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Designing agents that can bid in online simultaneous auctions is a complex task. The authors describe task-specific details and strategies of agents in a trading agent competition.

BibTeX Entry

    author="Amy Greenwald and Peter Stone",
    Title="Autonomous Bidding Agents in the Trading Agent Competition",
    journal="{IEEE} Internet Computing",
             Designing agents that can bid in online simultaneous
             auctions is a complex task.  The authors describe
             task-specific details and strategies of agents in a
             trading agent competition.
    wwwnote={<a href="">Magazine's website</a>},

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