Peter Stone's Selected Publications

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An Assessment of Autonomous Vehicles: Traffic Impacts and Infrastructure Needs --- Final Report

An Assessment of Autonomous Vehicles: Traffic Impacts and Infrastructure Needs --- Final Report.
Kara Kockelman, Stephen Boyles, Peter Stone, Dan Fagnant, Rahul Patel, Michael W. Levin, Guni Sharon, Michele Simoni, Michael Albert, Hagen Fritz, Rebecca Hutchinson, Prateek Bansal, Gelb Domnenko, Pavle Bujanovic, Bumsik Kim, Elaham Pourrahmani, Sudesh Agrawal, Tianxin Li, Josiah Hanna, Aqshems Nichols, and Jia Li.
Technical Report 0-6847-1, The University of Texas at Austin Center for Transportation Research, 2017.
Available online





BibTeX Entry

	title="An Assessment of Autonomous Vehicles:  Traffic Impacts and
  Infrastructure Needs --- Final Report",
	author="Kara Kockelman and Stephen Boyles and Peter Stone and Dan Fagnant and Rahul
  Patel and Michael W. Levin and Guni Sharon and Michele Simoni and Michael
  Albert and Hagen Fritz and Rebecca Hutchinson and Prateek Bansal and Gelb
  Domnenko and Pavle Bujanovic and Bumsik Kim and Elaham Pourrahmani and Sudesh
  Agrawal and Tianxin Li and Josiah Hanna and Aqshems Nichols and Jia Li",
	institution="The University of Texas at Austin Center for Transportation Research",
	wwwnote={<a href="">Available online</a>},

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