Peter Stone's Selected Publications

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Composing Efficient, Robust Tests for Policy Selection

Composing Efficient, Robust Tests for Policy Selection.
Dustin Morrill, Thomas J. Walsh, Daniel Hernandez, Peter R. Wurman, and Peter Stone.
In The 39th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), August 2023.
short video presentation, poster




Modern reinforcement learning systems produce many high-quality policies throughout the learning process. However, to choose which policy to actually deploy in the real world, they must be tested under an intractable number of environmental conditions. We introduce RPOSST, an algorithm to select a small set of test cases from a larger pool based on a relatively small number of sample evaluations. RPOSST treats the test case selection problem as a two-player game and optimizes a solution with provable $k$-of-$N$ robustness, bounding the error relative to a test that used all the test cases in the pool. Empirical results demonstrate that RPOSST finds a small set of test cases that identify high quality policies in a toy one-shot game, poker datasets, and a high-fidelity racing simulator.

BibTeX Entry

author={Dustin Morrill and Thomas J.\ Walsh and Daniel Hernandez and Peter R.\ Wurman and Peter Stone},
title={Composing Efficient, Robust Tests for Policy Selection},
BookTitle={The 39th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)},
location={Pittsburgh, PA, USA},
          Modern reinforcement learning systems produce many
          high-quality policies throughout the learning
          process. However, to choose which policy to actually deploy
          in the real world, they must be tested under an intractable
          number of environmental conditions. We introduce RPOSST, an
          algorithm to select a small set of test cases from a larger
          pool based on a relatively small number of sample
          evaluations. RPOSST treats the test case selection problem
          as a two-player game and optimizes a solution with provable
          $k$-of-$N$ robustness, bounding the error relative to a test
          that used all the test cases in the pool.  Empirical results
          demonstrate that RPOSST finds a small set of test cases that
          identify high quality policies in a toy one-shot game, poker
          datasets, and a high-fidelity racing simulator.
wwwnote={<a href="">short video presentation</a>, <a href="">poster</a>},

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