Peter Stone's Selected Publications

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f-Policy Gradients: A General Framework for Goal Conditioned RL using f-Divergences

f-Policy Gradients: A General Framework for Goal Conditioned RL using f-Divergences.
Siddhant Agarwal, Ishan Durugkar, Peter Stone, and Amy Zhang.
In Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, December 2023.


[PDF]3.4MB  [slides.pptx]13.6MB  [poster.pdf]1.8MB  


Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning (RL) problems often have access tosparse rewards where the agent receives a reward signal only when it hasachieved the goal, making policy optimization a difficult problem. Several worksaugment this sparse reward with a learned dense reward function, but this canlead to sub-optimal policies if the reward is misaligned. Moreover, recent workshave demonstrated that effective shaping rewards for a particular problem candepend on the underlying learning algorithm. This paper introduces a novel wayto encourage exploration called f-Policy Gradients, or f-PG. f-PG minimizes thef-divergence between the agent’s state visitation distribution and the goal,which we show can lead to an optimal policy. We derive gradients for variousf-divergences to optimize this objective. Our learning paradigm provides denselearning signals for exploration in sparse reward settings. We further introducean entropy-regularized policy optimization objective, that we call state-MaxEntRL (or s-MaxEnt RL) as a special case of our objective. We show that severalmetric-based shaping rewards like L2 can be used with s-MaxEnt RL, providing acommon ground to study such metric-based shaping rewards with efficientexploration. We find that f-PG has better performance compared to standardpolicy gradient methods on a challenging gridworld as well as the Point Maze andFetchReach environments. More information on our website

BibTeX Entry

  author   = {Siddhant Agarwal and Ishan Durugkar and Peter Stone and Amy Zhang},
  title    = {f-Policy Gradients: A General Framework for Goal Conditioned RL using f-Divergences},
  booktitle = {Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
  year     = {2023},
  month    = {December},
  location = {New Orleans},
  abstract = {
Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning (RL) problems often have access to
sparse rewards where the agent receives a reward signal only when it has
achieved the goal, making policy optimization a difficult problem. Several works
augment this sparse reward with a learned dense reward function, but this can
lead to sub-optimal policies if the reward is misaligned. Moreover, recent works
have demonstrated that effective shaping rewards for a particular problem can
depend on the underlying learning algorithm. This paper introduces a novel way
to encourage exploration called f-Policy Gradients, or f-PG. f-PG minimizes the
f-divergence between the agent’s state visitation distribution and the goal,
which we show can lead to an optimal policy. We derive gradients for various
f-divergences to optimize this objective. Our learning paradigm provides dense
learning signals for exploration in sparse reward settings. We further introduce
an entropy-regularized policy optimization objective, that we call state-MaxEnt
RL (or s-MaxEnt RL) as a special case of our objective. We show that several
metric-based shaping rewards like L2 can be used with s-MaxEnt RL, providing a
common ground to study such metric-based shaping rewards with efficient
exploration. We find that f-PG has better performance compared to standard
policy gradient methods on a challenging gridworld as well as the Point Maze and
FetchReach environments. More information on our website

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