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DARPA Urban Challenge Technical Report: Austin Robot Technology

DARPA Urban Challenge Technical Report: Austin Robot Technology.
Peter Stone, Patrick Beeson, Tekin Mericli, and Ryan Madigan.
June 2007. Available from




Austin Robot Technology's (ART's) entry in the DARPA Urban Challenge has two main goals. First and foremost,the team aims to create a fully autonomous vehicle that is capable of safely and robustly meeting all of the criteria laid out in the Technical Evaluation Criteria document [1]. Second, and almost as important, the team aims to produce, educate, and train members of the next generation of computer science and robotics researchers. This technical report documents our significant progress towards both of these goals as of May 2007 and presents a concrete plan to achieve them both fully by the time of the National Qualifying Event (NQE) in October. Specifically, it presents details of both our complete hardware system and our in-progress software, including design rationale, preliminary results,and future plans towards meeting the challenge. In addition, it provides details of the significant undergraduate research component of our efforts and emphasizes the educational value of the project.

BibTeX Entry

	author="Peter Stone and Patrick Beeson and Tekin Mericli and Ryan Madigan",
	title="{DARPA} Urban Challenge Technical Report: {A}ustin {R}obot {T}echnology",
	note="Available from \url{}",
                  Austin Robot Technology's (ART's) entry in the DARPA
                  Urban Challenge has two main goals. First and
                  foremost,the team aims to create a fully autonomous
                  vehicle that is capable of safely and robustly
                  meeting all of the criteria laid out in the
                  Technical Evaluation Criteria document [1]. Second,
                  and almost as important, the team aims to produce,
                  educate, and train members of the next generation of
                  computer science and robotics researchers. This
                  technical report documents our significant progress
                  towards both of these goals as of May 2007 and
                  presents a concrete plan to achieve them both fully
                  by the time of the National Qualifying Event (NQE)
                  in October. Specifically, it presents details of
                  both our complete hardware system and our
                  in-progress software, including design rationale,
                  preliminary results,and future plans towards meeting
                  the challenge.  In addition, it provides details of the
                  significant undergraduate research component of our
                  efforts and emphasizes the educational value of the

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