

We also have some movies on-line.
Isaac's Bar Mitzvah, from Ginny Belofsky:
at Agudas; at the party. May 2013.
Colonial Williamsburg in March 2012 (from Russell)
Jasmine's water show and Raphael's triathlon in May 2012 (from Josh)
Jasmine's February 2011 Synchro meet (from Russell)
December 2010 on rock band! (from Russell)
Thanksgiving 2010 with the cousins (from Mira)
Jasmine's Bat Mitzvah, from David, Russell, June 2010.
Istanbul and Family summer 2011 8/13/11 11:48 PM Shira's Wedding and Long Beach Island (more from Russell and Mira) Israel Album 7/13/09 12:26 AM Israel Album 7/13/09 12:25 AM Israel Album 7/6/09 3:20 PM Israel Album 6/24/09 12:36 PM Israel Album 5/25/09 3:30 PM
Israel Album 5/10/09 3:47 AM Israel Album 5/2/09 7:39 AM Passover fun Trip to Eilat Israel Album 3/29/09 3:20 PM Trip to the North Israel Album 2/13/09
Israel Album 1/2/09 Israel Album 12/16/08 Israel Album 11/27/08 5:46 AM Israel Album 11/6/08 3:44 PM Israel Album 10/18/08 5:00 PM Israel August/Sept Israel pics July/August
More albums: Alberta08 Thanksgiving07 (Shira) (Mira) (Russell) Fall07 Summer07 Spring07
KendraJosh07 (more) NewYears07 Thanksgiving06 Thanksgiving06-II Fall06 Raphael's cello, Mckinney falls
The 3 kids with Bubbie Thanksgiving05 Fall05 Spring05 Summer05 Spring05 spring05JasmineTeeth
Spring05-Camping Winter05 Thanksgiving04 november04
fall04-2 fall04 spring2004 010407 010515 Jasmine's 1st pictures, and her 5th birthday part
banff03 china2003 chanukah2002 fall03 isaac3 israel2002 italy2000
jasmine4 jaspics2 jaspics3 jaspics4 june03

Photo album generated by album from Dave's MarginalHacks on Tue Jul 22 00:20:34 2003