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- (:taxonomy set-descriptor)
Adds to the basic taxonomic structure of the
knowledge-base. Sets are described by lists whose
atomic elements are (names of) the members of the sets and whose
sublists are subsets of the set. The set forming the root of the
taxonomy (set1 in the example below) must already exist.
The sets and elements in a :taxonomy form must have uniquely
designating names.
The form:
(:taxonomy (set1
(set2 frame1 frame2)
(set3 frame3)))
assumes that set1 already exists; asserts that set2 and
set3 are subsets of set1, not necessarily disjoint; that frame1
and frame2 are elements of set2; and that frame3 is an element
of set3.
Micheal S. Hewett
Tue Oct 29 11:15:33 CST 1996