option | Arguments | DESCRIPTION |
filled | true or false | Draws a filled object with an outline rather than just an outline.
The outline and the body can be different colors. Used only with rectangle, polygon, circle and arc objects. |
outlineColor | hex value RRGGBB | Specifies the color of the object outline.
Used only with rectangle, polygon, circle and arc objects. |
bodyColor | hex value RRGGBB | Specifies the color of the object body.
Can be used with all objects. |
# ----------------------- # BOUNDING BOX %_gdraw_ rect 5 5 500 275 %_options: outlineColor=44FF44 # ----------------------- # ARCS - are not recognized by the sonar simulator. # filled arc %_gdraw_ arc 70 100 80 60 320 175 %_options: filled=true outlineColor=FF0055 bodyColor=FFAA55 %_gdraw_ string "Arc1" 35 100 %_options: bodyColor=FFAA55 # non-filled arc %_gdraw_ arc 80 50 80 60 320 145 %_options: outlineColor=FF0055 %_gdraw_ string "Arc2" 80 35 %_options: bodyColor=FF0055 # ----------------------- # CIRCLES - are not recognized by the sonar simulator. %_gdraw_ circle 220 100 40 %_options: filled=true outlineColor=aabbcc bodyColor=aabbcc %_gdraw_ string "Circle" 200 93 %_options: bodyColor=FFFFFF # ----------------------- # CONNECTED LINES %_gdraw_ lines 320 70 420 140 420 70 320 140 %_options: bodyColor=55dd99 %_gdraw_ string "Lines" 384 98 %_options: bodyColor=55dd99 # ----------------------- # POLYGON %_gdraw_ poly 100 150 130 150 148 175 148 200 130 230 100 230 82 200 82 175 %_options: filled=true outlineColor=000000 bodyColor=aaccbb %_gdraw_ string "Poly" 100 180 %_options: bodyColor=000000 # ----------------------- # POINTS %_gdraw_ point 215 220 %_options: bodyColor=000000 %_gdraw_ point 220 220 %_options: bodyColor=444444 %_gdraw_ point 225 220 %_options: bodyColor=888888 %_gdraw_ point 230 220 %_options: bodyColor=CCCCCC %_gdraw_ string "Points" 200 195 %_options: bodyColor=000000 # ----------------------- # RECTANGLE %_gdraw_ rect 300 180 105 30 %_options: filled=true outlineColor=000000 bodyColor=ddbb22 %_gdraw_ string "Rect" 340 190 %_options: bodyColor=000000 # -----------------------