What's New at the QR Group
These are recent changes. See the Qualitative
Reasoning Research Group home page for a more complete description
of our work, in several areas.
Journal version of the consciousness discussion
Parts of this appeared previously in AAAI-05 and in the AAAI 2007 Fall
IJRR article on the Hybrid Spatial Semantic Hierarchy
Patrick Beeson PhD thesis
Murarka, Sridharan & Kuipers paper at IROS 2008
Stober & Kuipers paper at ICDL 2008
Mugan & Kuipers papers at QR 2008 and EpiRob 2008
Xu, Lee & Kuipers paper at CRV 2008
Two papers at ICRA 2008
Mugan and Provost papers at EpiRob 2007
Kuipers, AAAI Fall Symposium Series, 2007
Mugan and Kuipers, ICDL, 2007
Jefferson Provost PhD thesis
Joseph Modayil PhD thesis
Subramanian Ramamoorthy PhD thesis
Matthew MacMahon PhD thesis
Modayil and Kuipers on Learning Objects, in AAAI-07
Action learning paper at AAAI Spring Symposium on Control Mechanisms
KR/HRI paper at AAAI Spring Symposium on Intelligent Assistants
Essays on Defeating Terrorism
(11-9-06) Several essays originally posted on my web site have been
published in a journal.
Skeletonization code available
(10-18-06) The source code for EVG-Thin, Patrick Beeson's C++ implementation of
a thinning approximation to his Extended Voronoi Graph.
Matt MacMahon's AAAI-06 paper
(5-3-06) Congratulations to Matt MacMahon and Brian Stankiewicz for a
new paper on Matt's thesis research in AAAI-06.
Aniket Murarka's CRV-06 paper
(5-3-06) Congratulations to Aniket Murarka and Joseph Modayil for
their new paper in CRV-06.
(6-8-06) Best Student Paper Award at CRV-06!
CQ source code available
(3-9-06) The source code for CQ, Dan Dvorak's C++ implementation of
the core constraint filtering algorithm in QSIM, is now available on
the web.
ICRA-06 papers
(1-27-06) Congratulations to the authors of the two papers from our group
accepted to ICRA-06.
Connection Science special issue on Developmental Robotics
(1-27-06) We have two papers in this special issue!
SSH Intellectual History chapter
(9-1-05) This is a draft of a book chapter describing the intellectual
history of the Spatial Semantic Hierarchy.
Consciousness paper at AAAI-05
Recently (8-19-05) updated with a revised and expanded version.
Francesco Savelli's PhD thesis
Harold Chaput's PhD thesis
Bootstrap learning overview at AAAI Spring Symposium on Developmental Robotics
Zmail anti-spam paper accepted to ASDN-2005
Benjamin J. Kuipers, Alex X. Liu, Aashin Gautam, and Mohamed G. Gouda. 2005.
Zmail: Zero-sum free market control of spam.
4th International Workshop on Assurance in Distributed Systems
and Networks (ASDN 2005). Columbus, Ohio, June 6, 2005.
Papers accepted to ICRA-2005
Papers accepted to IROS-04 and QR-04
(6-3-04) We have three papers accepted to IROS-04 and one to QR-04..
Kuipers, Modayil, Beeson, MacMahon and Savelli paper in ICRA-04.
(3-1-04) This is an extensive revision of the RUR-03 paper, and
describes the hybrid SSH using small-scale metrical maps and
large-scale topological maps.
Beeson, MacMahon, Modayil, Provost, Savelli and Kuipers paper in RUR-03
(5-23-03) This paper describes our new hybrid between small-scale and
large-scale space representations.
Remolina and Kuipers paper published in AIJ
(1-6-04) The paper has actually appeared on the Elsevier web site.
The printed version should arrive soon.
(5-21-03) The journal version of Emilio Remolina's PhD thesis has
been accepted to the Artificial Intelligence Journal. This
is the current definitive description of the causal and topological
map representations in the SSH.
More Oldies But Goodies
(3-3-03) Thanks to our new copier that will email .pdf files, we now
have online copies of some older papers that weren't available before,
but are still well worth reading.
- B. J. Kuipers. 1984.
Commonsense reasoning about causality: deriving behavior from structure.
Artificial Intelligence 24: 169-203.
- B. J. Kuipers & D. Berleant. 1988.
Using incomplete quantitative information in qualitative reasoning.
In Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-88).
Los Altos, CA: Morgan Kaufman, 1988.
- B. J. Kuipers & Y.-T. Byun. 1988.
A robust qualitative method for spatial learning in unknown environments.
In Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-88).
Los Altos, CA: Morgan Kaufman, 1988.
- B. J. Kuipers and T. Levitt. 1988.
Navigation and mapping in large scale space.
AI Magazine 9(2): 25-43, Summer 1988.
- David W. Franke. 1991.
Deriving and using descriptions of purpose.
IEEE Expert, April 1991, pp. 41-47.
- Pierre Fouche & Benjamin Kuipers. 1992.
Reasoning about energy in qualitative simulation.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 22(1): 47-63.
- W. W. Lee & B. Kuipers. 1993.
A qualitative method to construct phase portraits.
Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI-93), AAAI/MIT Press, 1993.
Algernon in Java
There is a new implementation of Algernon:
Algernon in Java.
It was created by Mike Hewett in the Bioinformatics group in the
Stanford Genetics Department.
Ramamoorthy and Kuipers, HSCC-03
(1-19-03) This paper, following on
Kuipers & Ramamoorthy, HSCC-02, demonstrates Qualitative
Heterogeneous Control (QHC) on a higher order system through the
detailed example of the cart-pole system.
The Skeleton in the Cognitive Map
(11-15-02) This paper, which is both a step towards cognitive models
higher-level knowledge and the result of a nice collaboration between
AI and Psychology researchers, is now in press in the journal
Environment and Behavior.
Kay and Ungar (2000) now available
(11-1-02) The following two papers now have .pdf files available of their
published journal versions. The Kay and Ungar (2000) paper was previously
not available online at all.
Kuipers and Beeson, AAAI-2002
(4-8-02) This shows how to learn to recognize places, given sensory
images, in the SSH framework, with very weak knowledge of the nature
of the sensors.
Logical Theory of the SSH Causal and Topological Maps
(4-6-02) This paper is the journal-sized version of Emilio's PhD
thesis. It is the reference definition of the logic-based portions
of the Spatial Semantic Hierarchy.
Heterogeneous Control of the Pendulum
(1-15-02) This paper demonstrates how to create a global controller
for pumping up and balancing a pendulum, by composing a set of simple,
qualitatively described local controllers. The result can be proved
correct using QSIM and temporal logic.
AAAI Spring Symposium Papers
(10-1-01) A little late (sorry), but here are the papers that were
presented at the AAAI Spring Symposium Series.
- B. J. Kuipers, P. Beeson, J. Modayil and J. Provost. 2001.
Learning from uninterpreted experience in the SSH. In AAAI
Spring Symposium Series, Learning Grounded
Representations, Stanford, CA.
- Jefferson Provost, Patrick Beeson and Benjamin J. Kuipers. 2001.
Toward learning the causal layer of the Spatial Semantic Hierarchy
using SOMs. In AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Learning
Grounded Representations, Stanford, CA.
- Harold Henry Chaput. 2001.
Post-Piagetian constructivism for grounded knowledge acquisition.
In AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Learning
Grounded Representations, Stanford, CA.
Kuipers & Beeson, Fall Symposium Series
Remolina & Kuipers, IJCAI-01
(8-18-01) This is the core of Emilio's dissertation.
Emilio Remolina and Benjamin Kuipers. 2001.
A logical account of causal and topological maps.
In Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-01),
San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, pages 5-11.
Encyclopedia article on Qualitative Simulation
(6-1-2001) The following encyclopedia article provides a compact introduction
to the current state of qualitative simulation.
Benjamin Kuipers. 2001. Qualitative simulation.
In R. A. Meyers (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Third Edition,
NY: Academic Press.
The Skeleton in the Cognitive Map
(3-2-2001) A paper proposing a computational hypothesis for an abstraction
mechanism observed in humans.
- Benjamin Kuipers. 2001.
The skeleton in the cognitive map: a computational hypothesis.
In J. Peponis, J. Wineman and S. Bafna (Eds.), Space Syntax:
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium, Ann Arbor:
A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning,
University of Michigan, pages 10.1--10.7.
Bert Kay's paper on MSQUID appears
This is the definitive journal article describing MSQUID, and is the
third of three journal articles from Bert's dissertation. Unfortunately,
there is no online version yet.
- Herbert Kay and Lyle H. Ungar. 2000.
Estimating monotonic functions and their bounds.
American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AIChE) Journal
46(12): 2426-2434.
Changed from .ps.Z to .ps.gz
(6-20-2000) To allow faster and more reliable retrieval, file compression
of PostScript files
has been changed from Unix compress (.ps.Z) to Gnu gzip (.ps.gz).
Let me know (kuipers@cs.utexas.edu) if there's a problem.
The Spatial Semantic Hierarchy in AIJ
(3-12-2000) A full-length description of the SSH representation for
knowledge of large-scale space.
SQUID paper in AIJ
This is one of three journal articles coming out of Bert's dissertation.
The Spatial Semantic Hierarchy
A full-length description of the SSH representation for knowledge of
large-scale space. (Extensively updated from the 3-30-99 version.)
- (12-3-99) B. Kuipers. 1999.
The Spatial Semantic Hierarchy.
University of Texas at Austin Artificial Intelligence Lab TR AI99-281A.
[Superceded by AIJ, 2000 publication.]
QSIM-papers updated
(9-30-99) The qsim-papers.ps document has been brought up to date.
Even now, papers-QR.html is a better source.
New Technical Reports on Semi-Quantitative Reasoning
- Bert Kay, Bernhard Rinner and Benjamin Kuipers. 1999.
Semi-Quantitative System Identification.
University of Texas Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
TR AI99-279.
[Superceded by AIJ, 2000 publication.]
- Bert Kay and Lyle Ungar. 1999.
Estimating Monotonic Functions and Their Bounds.
University of Texas Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
TR AI99-280, 1999.
Rinner and Kuipers IJCAI-99 paper
The Intelligent Wheelchair
- (12-7-98) W. S. Gribble, R. L. Browning, M. Hewett, E. Remolina
and B. J. Kuipers. 1998.
Integrating vision and spatial reasoning for assistive navigation.
In V. Mittal, H. Yanco, J. Aronis and R. Simpson (Eds.),
Assistive Technology and Artificial Intelligence,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, New York, 1998.
Remolina and Kuipers AAAI Fall Symposium paper
- (11-23-98) Emilio Remolina and Benjamin Kuipers. 1998.
Boundary region relations.
In Cognitive Robotics, Papers from the 1998 AAAI Fall Symposium,
Technical report FS-98-02, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, pages 117-124.
Ben Kuipers' PhD Thesis Available (again)
(11-2-98) After 21 years, I have made my PhD thesis (MIT-AI TR-418)
available again. I have resisted all temptation to correct or update
the content while converting to LaTeX. Believe it or not, there is
still a lot of good stuff here that has not been published elsewhere.
There has also been subsequent progress, of course. Enjoy!
- B. J. Kuipers. 1977.
Representing Knowledge of Large-Scale Space. Doctoral dissertation,
Mathematics Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 1977. Published as Technical Report
418, M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1977.
Bert Kay's Journal Article on SQSIM
(7-22-98) Bert Kay's journal article has just been accepted by
Computers and Chemical Engineering.
This is the definitive journal article describing SQSIM.
QSIM-papers updated
(6-12-98) The qsim-papers.ps document has been
brought up to date.
Even now, papers-QR.html is a better source.
AAAI-98 papers: QR and Robotics
Logical Semantics of the SSH
(12-11-97) Emilio Remolina will be presenting our paper at the Common
Sense 98 symposium in London.
Dan Clancy Passes His Final Dissertation Defense
I am very happy to announce that soon-to-be-Dr. Daniel Clancy has
passed his dissertation defense, and should receive his Ph.D. from the
University of Texas at Austin in December 1997.
Fruitful Problems in Qualitative Reasoning
(11-25-97) I have added a new
page of research problems.
These are problems in qualitative reasoning that I consider to be
particularly fruitful right now, in the sense of being both accessible
and important. A good solution to any of these problems will not only
be valuable in its own right, but will enable substantial further work
by the researcher and by others.
I encourage anyone in the QR community to take these on. I will be
happy to give email advice when I can.
Ben Kuipers
Berleant and Kuipers on Q3 in AIJ
This important paper, based on Berleant's 1991 doctoral dissertation, shows
that semi-quantitative simulation converges to numerically precise behaviors
as uncertainty decreases and more effort is applied.
New Journal Article: Rickel and Porter, AIJ, 1997.
- (7-14-97) Jeff Rickel and Bruce Porter. 1997. Automated modeling of complex
systems to answer prediction questions.
Artificial Intelligence 93: 201-260.
This is an outstanding demonstration of how to use and control
compositional modeling (QPC) and qualitative simulation (QSIM) to
answer questions from a large domain-specific knowledge base.
More detail under the Multi-Function
Knowledge Base Research Group home page.
Tragic Loss
Bert Kay was mugged and killed in Palo Alto on Thursday,
June 12, 1997.
He was 38 years old, and leaves his wife Meg and two-year-old twin
daughters, Sonia and Nina.
There was a memorial service on Tuesday, June 17, at Hakone Gardens
in Saratoga, California. Several Austin-area memorials were held
the following week.
Bert's web page
will be extended with further information about his life and work.
New Conference Papers: AAAI-97 and QR-97
Old (But Good) Papers Added to Web Page.
New reviews of the QR Book.
See the QR book page for other reviews.
- (6-25-97)
Jayant Sharma, Journal of Classification
14: 177-179, 1997.
Overall the book is extremely well written. The book assumes, and
requires, a fairly strong knowledge of AI; one beyond that provided by
a typical introductory undergraduate course. For those with the
relevant background, or strong motivation, the book will be an
excellent resource. It has been written as a textbook with
thought-provoking practice and research problems at the end of each
chapter. The organization of chapters is excellent, starting with a
gentle introduction and then increasing in detail and complexity,
while building on the material of earlier chapters. Given the
significant advances and successes in the field of qualitative
reasoning this book is a very timely one and I would recommend it to
anyone with an interest in AI, in general, and modeling and
simulation, in particular.
- (12-3-96)
Andrew Frank, Int. J. of Geographic Information Systems
10(2), March 1996, pages 242-243.
This book may become a very important book for Geographic Systems
and for geography in general, despite the fact, that it does not
discuss anything geographical or spatial in its 400 pages. ... It
must be hoped that many geographers use the methods to model
geographical processes and to explore the dynamic behavior of systems
in physical and human geography. Many M.Sc. or Ph.D. thesis could
benefit from the rigor of the method and the application of the
software. Modeling of dynamic systems - a la Forrester's Urban
Dynamics - become feasible, even in the absence of detailed
quantitative knowledge.
Bert Kay doctoral dissertation on SQSIM and SQUID
(11-18-96) Bert Kay has completed an outstanding doctoral dissertation
on semi-quantitative simulation (SQSIM) and semi-quantitative system
identification (SQUID).
Shults & Kuipers paper in AIJ
(11-7-96) The AIJ will soon publish a paper describing our work on
proving statements in temporal logic by model-checking against the
behavior graph predicted by QSIM.
This paper has now appeared in print.
Pierce & Kuipers paper in AIJ
(11-7-96) The AIJ will soon publish a paper describing David Pierce's
dissertation research on how a robot starting with uninterpreted sensors
and effectors can learn to understand both its own sensorimotor capabilities
and its environment.
This paper has now appeared in print.
Spatial Semantic Hierarchy for a Physical Mobile Robot
(10-17-96) Wan Yik Lee has finished his long-awaited dissertation on
implementing the SSH on a physical robot, our RWI B12, named Spot.
New Conference Papers: QR-96, TIME-96, and AAAI-96
- (7-15-96) Siddarth Subramanian and Raymond J. Mooney. 1996.
Qualitative multiple-fault diagnosis of continuous dynamic systems
using behavioral modes. In Proceedings of the National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-96), AAAI/MIT Press,
- (4-12-96) Giorgio Brajnik and Daniel J. Clancy. 1996.
Temporal constraints on trajectories in qualitative simulation.
In Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI-96), AAAI/MIT Press, 1996.
- (4-9-96) Giorgio Brajnik and Daniel J. Clancy. 1996.
Temporal constraints on trajectories in qualitative simulation.
In Working Papers of the Tenth International Workshop on
Qualitative Reasoning (QR-96), Fallen Leaf
Lake, California.
- (4-9-96) Richard S. Mallory, Bruce W. Porter, and Benjamin J. Kuipers. 1996.
Comprehending complex behavior graphs through abstraction.
In Working Papers of the Tenth International Workshop on
Qualitative Reasoning (QR-96), Fallen Leaf
Lake, California.
- (4-8-96) B. Kuipers. 1996.
A hierarchy of qualitative representations for space.
In Working Papers of the Tenth International Workshop on
Qualitative Reasoning (QR-96), Fallen Leaf
Lake, California.
- (4-2-96) Giorgio Brajnik and Daniel J. Clancy.
Guiding and refining simulation using temporal logic.
Third International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'96), 1996.
- (4-2-96) Lance Tokuda. 1996.
Managing occurrence branching in qualitative simulation. In
Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI-96), AAAI/MIT Press, 1996.
Old (But Good) Papers Added to Web Page.
- (9-11-96) Wan Yik Lee. 1995.
A Guide to Programming Spot, a Mobile Robot of the University of Texas at Austin.
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, The University of Texas at Austin,
AI Laboratory Technical Report AI95-235, June 1995.
- (9-11-96) Wan Yik Lee. 1995.
Programming Spot in Lisp with SpotLisp Package.
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, The University of Texas at Austin,
AI Laboratory Technical Report AI95-240, June 1995.
- (9-3-96) Benjamin Kuipers. 1985.
The Map-Learning Critter.
University of Texas at Austin, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
AI TR 85-17, December 1985.
- (8-27-96) B. J. Kuipers. 1983.
The cognitive map: Could it have been any other way?
In H. L. Pick, Jr. and L. P. Acredolo (Eds.),
Spatial Orientation: Theory, Research, and Application.
New York: Plenum Press, 1983, pages 345-359.
- (8-21-96) J. M. Crawford and B. J. Kuipers. 1989.
Toward a theory of access-limited logic for knowledge representation.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Principles
of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'89). Los Altos,
CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
- (8-19-96) B. J. Kuipers. 1979.
On representing common sense knowledge. In N. V. Findler
(Ed.), Associative Networks: The Representation and Use
of Knowledge by Computers. New York: Academic Press, 1979, pages 393--408.
- (7-29-96) Akira Hayashi and Benjamin Kuipers. 1992.
A continuous approach to robot motion planning with many degrees of
freedom. In Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'92).
- (7-12-96) B. J. Kuipers & Y.-T. Byun. 1991.
A robot exploration and mapping strategy based on a semantic hierarchy
of spatial representations.
Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 8: 47-63.
Reprinted in Walter Van de Velde (ed.), Towards Learning Robots,
Bradford/MIT Press, 1993.
- (7-16-95) B. J. Kuipers. 1978.
Modeling spatial knowledge.
Cognitive Science, 2: 129-153, 1978.
Reprinted in Advances in Spatial Reasoning, Volume 2, Su-shing
Chen (Ed.), Norwood NJ: Ablex Publishing, 1990.
SQsim: Major Progress in Semi-Quantitative Reasoning
Robot Learning with Uninterpreted Sensors and Effectors
See our Post-Doctoral Fellow Ad!
- (3-1-96) We are advertising for a post-doctoral fellow to work with the
Algernon knowledge representation system.
- (7-1-96) Sorry, the position is closed.
Temporal Logic, and Related QSIM Formalization
Reviews of the QR Book
- (1-26-96) The QR Book page is
updated to include three known book reviews: IEEE Expert, ACM
Computing Reviews, and AI Magazine.
QSIM in Parallel Hardware
- (1-11-96) Added to Qsim Users page.
A significant barrier to application of QSIM to large-scale problems is the
efficiency of qualitative simulation. Recently, a group at T.U. Graz in Austria
have designed and implemented a special-purpose parallel hardware architecture
for qualitative simulation. See their Web page and published papers.
Reinhold Weiss, Marco Platzner, Bernhard Rinner, T.U. Graz, Austria.
Old (But Good) Papers Added to Web Page.
- (2-28-96) B. J. Kuipers. 1987.
Abstraction by time-scale in qualitative simulation.
In Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI-87). Los Altos, CA: Morgan Kaufman.
(The ftp copy is missing two figures.)
Reprinted in D. S. Weld & J. de Kleer (Eds.), Readings in Qualitative Reasoning
about Physical Systems, Los Altos, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 1990.
[Superceded by QR book, chapter 12.]
- (2-22-96) Richard Froom. 1991.
Acquiring effective knowledge of environment geometry for
minimum-time control of a mobile robot. In Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE
International Symposium on Intelligent Control, pages 501-506, Arlington, VA,
August 13-15 1991.
- (1-31-96) D. Berleant & B. Kuipers. 1992.
Qualitative-numeric simulation with Q3. In Boi Faltings and
Peter Struss (Eds.), Recent Advances in Qualitative Physics,
MIT Press, 1992.
(The ftp file is missing several figures.)
- (1-30-96)
B. J. Kuipers. 1986.
Qualitative Simulation.
Artificial Intelligence 29: 289 - 338, 1986.
(The ftp copy is missing five figures.)
- (1-18-96)
B. J. Kuipers, C. Chiu, D. T. Dalle Molle & D. R. Throop. 1991.
Higher-order derivative constraints in qualitative simulation.
Artificial Intelligence 51: 343-379.
- (1-18-96)
W. W. Lee & B. J. Kuipers. 1988.
Non-intersection of trajectories in qualitative phase space: a
global constraint for qualitative simulation.
In Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI-88). Los Altos, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 1988.
- (1-16-96) Hwee Tou Ng. 1991.
Model-based, multiple fault diagnosis of time-varying,
continuous physical devices.
IEEE Expert 6(6): 38-43, December 1991.
- (1-4-96)
D. Dvorak & B. J. Kuipers. 1989.
Model-based monitoring of dynamic systems.
In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-89). Los Altos, CA: Morgan Kaufman.
- (1-3-96) J. M. Crawford & B. J. Kuipers. 1991.
ALL: formalizing access-limited reasoning. In John Sowa (Ed.),
Principles of Semantic Networks, pp. 299-330. San Mateo, CA:
Morgan Kaufmann.
- (1-3-96) Daniel Dvorak & Benjamin Kuipers. 1991.
Process monitoring and diagnosis: a model-based approach.
IEEE EXPERT 6(3): 67-74, June 1991.
- (1-3-96)
B. J. Kuipers and J. P. Kassirer. 1984.
Causal reasoning in medicine: analysis of a protocol.
Cognitive Science 8: 363-385.
- (1-2-96) C. Chiu & B. J. Kuipers. 1992.
Comparative analysis and
qualitative integral representations. In Boi Faltings and
Peter Struss (Eds.), Recent Advances in Qualitative Physics, MIT
Press, 1992.
- (12-29-95) B. J. Kuipers, A. J. Moskowitz, and J. P. Kassirer. 1988.
Critical Decisions Under Uncertainty: Representation and Structure.
Cognitive Science 12: 177-210, 1988.
Reprinted in G. Shafer and J. Pearl (Eds.), Readings in Uncertain Reasoning,
San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1990.
R++, based on Algernon, developed by AT+T Bell Labs.
- (8-29-95) AT+T Bell Labs has created R++, a rule-based extension to C++,
based on the ideas of access-limited logic developed in Algernon.
It is available to university researchers.
Five New and Old PhD Dissertations Now Available
- (11-20-95) Raman Rajagopalan. 1995. Qualitative reasoning about
dynamic change in the spatial properties of a physical system.
Doctoral dissertation, Department of Computer Sciences, The University
of Texas at Austin.
[Get PS file]
- (5-26-95) Richard Froom. 1995. High-Speed Navigation with Approximate Maps.
Doctoral dissertation, Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas
at Austin.
[Get it.]
- (5-26-95) David M. Pierce. 1995. Map Learning with
Uninterpreted Sensors and Effectors. Doctoral dissertation,
Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin.
[Get it.]
- (5-30-95) Jeff W. Rickel. 1995. Automated modeling of complex
systems to answer prediction questions. Doctoral dissertation,
Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin.
[Get it.]
- (6-13-95) J. Daniel Berleant. 1991. The use of partial quantitative
knowledge with qualitative reasoning. University of Texas at
Austin, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Technical Report AI
91-163. (Doctoral dissertation, Department of Computer Sciences.)
[Get it.]
The QR Book!
The QR book is available, and is the best reference (sometimes the only reference)
for many things related to QSIM. See:
- The details.
- (12-6-94) Added copies of known book reviews.
New WWW Pages and Files
- (3-20-95)
Dan Dvorak's 1987 literature review is now available.
Daniel L. Dvorak. 1987. Expert systems for monitoring and control.
University of Texas at Austin, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
Technical Report AI 87-55.
- (2-14-95)
David Franke's PhD thesis is now available.
David W. Franke. 1992. A theory of teleology. Doctoral
dissertation, Computer Science Department, University of Texas at Austin, May 1992.
(Available as TR AI93-201.)
- (12-13-94) The QSIM Users page gives an overview
of other published work building on ours.
- (11-16-94)
Akira Hayashi's PhD thesis is now available on the Web.
Akira Hayashi, Geometrical Motion Planning for Highly
Redundant Manipulators Using a Continuous Manipulator Model.
Doctoral dissertation, Department of Computer Sciences, University of
Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. May 1991. (Available as TR
- (8-31-94) New, expanded Yellow Pages
added under QR home. Replaces Other Groups.
- (6-23-94) Crawford + Kuipers AAAI91 and SIGART91 papers on Algernon added.
- (6-21-94) Swan's Neck page added under Robotics.
- (6-17-94) What's New and Other Groups pages (please send additions).
Recent Papers (1994)
- Farquhar, AAAI-94.
- Pierce & Kuipers, AAAI-94.
- Rajagopalan, AAAI-94.
- Clancy & Kuipers, QR-94.
- Farquhar & Brajnik, QR-94.
- Ramachandran, Mooney & Kuipers, QR-94.
- Kuipers & Shults, KR-94 and QR-94.
- Kuipers & Astrom, Automatica, 1994.
[QR home]