CS343 Homework Assignments

There will be four homework assignments, each a mini-project approximately two weeks each. They consist of putting AI techniques into practice for agents in a simulated 3D virtual world, as well as in building predictive and prescriptive models. Simple AI already exists for all these environments; the task is to implement a more robust, sophisticated, or powerful versions, and test them in the environment.

The homework assignments are intended to be done in groups of two; the idea is NOT to split up the work, but to work together so that both of you will learn more. You will turn in one joint report clearly identifying the students who should get credit for it. However, if you have a hard time finding or working with a partner, you can also work on your own.

If you have conceptual questions about the assignments, feel free to ask Risto or the TA; if you have technical questions, ask the TA. You can go to their office hours or post your question in Piazza. Each assignment is due by midnight of the due date, and must be turned in electronically using the Canvas system; What you need to turn in is specified in each assignment separately.

Sun Aug 30 22:12:18 CDT 2020