CS378 Neuroevolution: Review Questions

Before each exam we will have a review session where we'll have an open discussion about the class content. The idea is to clarify concepts that may still be unclear, discuss topics of interest in more depth, brainstorm about potential opportunities and risks of neuroevolution.

To encourage lively discussion in class, before each review session you need to turn in two intelligent questions as potential topics of discussion. They should not ask about trivial details such as "Whose the author of this method?" or "What's the value of this parameter in this experiment?" Instead, they should demonstrate understanding and critical thinking. They could e.g. question potential strengths and weaknesses of the methods, point out potential alternative implementations, proposing new approaches and applications, etc. Clarification questions are fine too, as long as they are conceptual and not immediately answered by looking up the reading material (for instance, not "Could explain this topic again?" but perhaps "Why in approach X the method Y doesn't do Z?") The questions should be short, i.e. a sentence or two. Also, they do not necessarily need to be formulated as questions; a description of an idea, or a proposal or a suggestion, is fine.

The questions are turned in Canvas as an assignment; they are due before the class starts. But don't just stop there---bring up your question in class so that we can talk about it!

Last modified: Sun Aug 18 14:29:40 CDT 2024