
To submit your homework and projects, use the turnin program from a command prompt on the Linux, Sun, or IBM machines to submit to the TA. Example:

   turnin -submit martym cs381k filename


  1. Turnin is located in /p/bin; if that directory is not in your path (and you don't want to put it there), then call it as /p/bin/turnin.
  2. There is a bug that may or may not have been fixed yet: if a command line has more than 255 characters after filename expansion, some files may go unsubmitted. If you are submitting a lot of files (which is unlikely for this assignment), you should submit them in small batches or as a single tar file. Making a tar file out of your homework and submitting is the suggested route.
  3. If you submit the same filename twice, the second one will entirely overwrite the first one. So don't submit any updates after the due date, or we will never know that you submitted the first version on time.
  4. After submitting everything, you should make sure that all of your files were transmitted properly using turnin's list feature:
             turnin --list martym cs381k
  5. See the man page turnin(1) for more details:
            man -M /p/man turnin