CS396 Student Profiles
This page describes the research interests of the students in the cs396
class, and identifies their supervisor and topic for the rest of the
semester. Participation on this page is voluntary; there is a small
number of students in the class who are not listed here.
- ASHISH AHUJA (ashish@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Ann Gal.
My research interests are in the area of computer networks,
multimedia and mobile computing. I am also interested in the area of
Quantum Computing.
- MATTHEW ALDEN (malden@mail.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Risto Miikkulainen.
My interests lie primarily within the field of artificial intelligence,
specifically machine learning. I'm most interested in observation/example
based and exploratory/trial-and-error based learning methods. In
conjunction with those methods, I am interested in abstract knowledge
representation for use in learning, aspiring toward automated learning and
analysis of arbitrary data sets.
- YULIYA BABOVICH (kbobovich@prodigy.net)
Advisor: Vladimir Lifschitz.
I have already talked to Dr. Lifschitz about doing research with him in the
area of Answer Set Programming.
- SUGATO BASU (sugato@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Raymond Mooney.
For my research, I want to look at ways to
effectively combine principles of rule-based and statistical learning
- PAOLO BIENTINESI (pauldj@ticam.utexas.edu)
Advisors: Inderjit Dhillon and Robert van de Geijn.
My background is in numerical analysis and that's the field
I'd like to explore the most. My position is to study and solve
mathematical problems from the computer scientist point of view. Other than
knowing the existence of the solution to a problem, it is
interesting to compute it, accurately and in small time.
- MIKHAIL BILENKO (mbilenko@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Ray Mooney.
I am interested in several sub-areas of Artificial Intelligence,
particularly in Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Natural Language
- XIANGKUI CHEN (xkchen@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Don Batory.
I am interested in software engineering, distributed systems, and
computer network such as network security, network protocols, etc.
- YONGSEOK CHEON (cheon@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Martin Wong.
Research Interests:
I am interested in physical design automation for VLSI CAD, specifically
circuit partitioning based on design hierarchy.
Some heuristic algorithms can be used for cost-effective circuit
partitioning, and user design hierarchy also can provide natural basis for
partitioning especially for extremely large circuts.
I'd like to combine interconnection-based algorithms with
design-driven methods, which possibly provides better results.
- SIDHARTH CHOUDHURY (sidharth@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Doug Burger.
My interest is broadly in the field of computer systems design
that tries bring together the areas of high performance computer
architecture, parallel and distribted operating systems.
- ANUPAM DATTA (anupam@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Vijaya Ramachandran.
Research Interests: Design and analysis of algorithms with emphasis on
approximations, graph-theoretic and randomized
- JUDAH DE PAULA (judah@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Bruce Porter.
I wish to learn more about artificial intelligence and what can be done,
and will never be done, with existing technology. I have a strong interest
(and a minor) in cognitive sciences and wish to look at cognitive modeling.
I will always be watching to see how the field can be applied to existing
research. I wish to learn more about neural networks as well as knowledge
representation methods. I have a deep interest in philosophical topics and
am attracted to any area that asks fundamental questions about human
intelligence and the mind.
- PRADEEP DESAI (desai@mail.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Doug Burger.
Computer Architecture, Data Mining, Parallel & Distributed Systems.
- SELIM ERDOGAN (selim@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Vladimir Lifschitz.
I am interested in artificial intelligence. Lately I have been attending
the seminars of Vladimir Lifschitz. I have spoken to him about working
with him for the second half of cs396 and he has told me that it would be
- G. GANAPATHYSARAVA (gsgk@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Nina Amenta.
Primarily theory and then systems - as in compilers etc.
- AMIT GARG (amitji@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisors: Mike Dahlin, Lorenzo Alvisi, Harrick Vin.
My research interests are primarily in algorithms and data structures. I
like working on problems with a combinatorial flavour. My secondary
interests lies in programming languages, compilers and systems.
- SUMIT GARG (sumit@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Mike Dahlin
Research Interest: Computer Systems, esp Networks. (security, wireless,
distributed systems, etc)
- YUQIANG GUAN (yguan@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Inderjit Dhillon.
I am interested in data mining. Actually I have worked and am working with
Dr. Inderjit Dhillon since spring. What we are doing is clustering text
documents with 'concept vectors'. By transforming words of text documents into
numerical values, we play some techniques called concept vector over the
vectors (representing documents) to cluster the documents into clusters.
Another work is parallelizing the algorithm since we are expecting to cluster
millions of document. So we also develope parallel algorithms for our concept
vector clustering. After the clustering is done, we can build concept query on
the top of it. Eventually we will have an engine which given millions of
documents (maybe more!) we'll be able to automatically build 'Yahoo' homepage!
We have done the clustering part and tried some parallel experiments. So we
are on the way to the goal. I plan to continue my work Dr. Dhillon in the rest
part of this semester and spring.
- LI-DA HUANG (lida@mail.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Martin Wong.
I've been working for Prof. Martin Wong for one year. VLSI group is my
selection for my Ph.D. research group at UT Austin.
- GURUCHARAN B. HUCHACHAR (guru@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Vladimir Lifschitz
My research interests fall into the broad category of networks. Right
now I would like to take up any topic and continue with it.
- SUGAT JAIN (sugat@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Harrick Vin.
My area of interest is Networks and Systems. I joined in Spring
2000 and have already started working with Prof Harrick Vin. I plan to
continue working in his group through this and the next semesters.
- MARIA JUMP (mjump@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Nina Amenta.
The primary area of research that I am most interested in is the area of
Computational Geometry and Visualization. I am interested in the concepts
and algorithms which lead to the efficient calculation of various
geometric forms. The other area in which I am most interested is
Software Engineering with respect for abstracting the process of
software specification from software development. I believe that we will
progress towards a future where the specifications are less
implementation-oriented and more functionally-oriented.
- KEVIN KANE (kane@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Simon Lam.
My research lie in network security. I've also thought that, in the short
term, a lot of solutions lie in changing the underlying protocols while
providing the same interface to the application layer. At the very least,
applications have been slow to do encryption on their own. This is part
of a more general feeling on my part that security needs to be done with
as little interruption to the user as possible, especially if we want to
target users with little computer experience.
- ROHIT KATE (rjkate@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Risto Miikkulainen.
I am interested in Artificial Intelligence and will like to do the CS396
conference course in this area. I am also doing CS381K this semester.
Currently I am not specific about any particular area within AI. All sound
equally interesting.
- CHANGKYU KIM (ckkim@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Doug Burger.
Computer Architecture, compiler support, parallel and distributed computing,
with empahsis on micro-architecture issue that is about how to exploit
effectively the avaliable resources in the billion-transistor era.
- DONG-YOUNG LEE (dylee@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Simon Lam.
I am interested in systems area, including multimedia systems,
mobile computing, networks, and so on. I don't have really
specific and strong preference for subareas.
- TAROON MANDHANA (mandhana@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Harrick Vin.
Computer Systems with emphasis on Computer Networks - Congestion
Control in Wide Area Networks. Routing. Network Security.
- JEAN-PHILIPPE MARTIN (jpmartin@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Don Batory.
My interests for research lie in three distinct areas: Distributed Computing,
Software Engineering and Systems Security.
- STEFANO MASINI (stefano@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Lorenzo Alvisi.
I've start working with Lorenzo Alvisi, on the Egida project.
My interests are distributed computing and fault tolerance.
- SANGMIN PARK (smpark@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Chandra Bajaj.
I got admitted last spring semester. Now, I am working with Dr. Bajaj.
I am thinking that I already chose my mentor, Dr. Bajaj.
I am interesting in the Computer Graphics, Scientific Visualization,
Volume Rendering and so on. These days, I am working on volume rendering.
- WING-CHI POON (wcpoon@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Al Mok.
I am interested in the design and application of algorithms in computer
systems like fault tolerance, networks, distributed systems and graphics.
- ANUPAM RASTOGI (rastogi@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisors: Mike Dahlin, Lorenzo Alvisi, Harrick Vin.
Research Interests : Broadly my research interests are in the area of
Design of Systems. I wish to work in the fields of Distributed Computing,
Networks, Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems Synthesis.
- ERIK REEBER (reeber@cory.eecs.berkeley.edu)
Advisor: Calvin Lin.
Designing operating systems and compilers for parallel systems.
- PUAY SASIPHONGPAIROE (puay@email.com)
Advisor: Risto Miikkulainen.
My research interest is about Machine learning refinement by genetic
algorithm. The whole idea is about using genetic algoritm or evolution
theory to improve machine learning process.
- L. SETHUMADHAVAN (lakshminarasimhan@mail.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Doug Burger.
I'm interested in building faster, cheaper and correct futuristic
computing systems and the technology-related issues that would
aid/restrain the development of such systems.
- VIVEK SHARMA (vivek@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Doug Burger.
Research Interests : Computer Architecture / High Performance Computing.
- PREMKISHORE SHIVAKUMAR (pkishore@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisors: Doug Burger and Steve Keckler.
My research interests are in designing new microarchitectures that scale well with the rising constraints of new high clock rates and the density of interconnects and more options provided by the billions of transistors that are now available to us.
- ALISON SMITH (ans@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Calvin Lin.
Operating systems, compilers, and maybe hardware - for now.
- SUVRIT SRA (suvrit@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Vijaya Ramachandran.
Algorithm Design and Analysis
- YU SUN (sunyu@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Mohammed Gouda.
I have strong interests in network theory and applications, including
network protocols, network multimedia, Program-Enabled Web support and
application, etc. Advisor: Prof. Gouda.
- GOKHAN ULUDERYA (uluderya@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Al Mok.
I am currently interested in Real Time Systems (in general OS design
and implementation) and Computer Networks.
- VAMSI VUTUKURU (vamsikv@yahoo.co.uk)
Advisor: Inderjit Dhillon.
Research Interests: Data Mining, Multimedia Databases, Distributed
- THOMAS WAHL (wahl@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Allen Emerson.
A. Algorithms in general and in the context of Computational Geometry in
particular. B. Correctness of programs and how to prove it. I am
interested in Automatic Theorem Proving and Model Checking systems. My
dream is to build a programming environment that during the programming
process guides the programmer to write correct programs. C. Programming
Languages, in particular their relationships among each other, and
Compiler Techniques for program correctness verification and
- FENG WANG (wangf@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisors: Vijaya Ramachandran, Mohammed Gouda.
My research interests include computer networks, especially network
security; parallel computing, design and analysis of algorithms; high
performance computer architecture.
- PEIYU WANG (wpy@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Simon Lam.
1. Network Protocol, design, implementation and analysis
2. Realtime systems, event representation and processing
3. Operating System, kernel and application
- SHIMON WHITESON (shimon@mail.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Risto Miikkulainen.
My primary research interests lie in artificial intelligence. My greatest
interest is in genetic algorithms and I want to learn more about how
simulations of evolution can be used to solve problems and develop
intelligent systems. I am also intrigued by aspects of artificial
intellgence such as machine learning and neural networks. In general, I
prefer the kinds of AI that concentrate on creating an environment where
solutions can be evolved or learned. I am less interested in attempts to
manually program intelligence through expert systems, formal logic, or
explicit knowledge representations.
- HUA XIANG (xiangh@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Martin Wong.
I am very interested in Distributed multimedia, network algorithm and
protocols to transmit and process multimedia, data visualization and
collaborative environments. Another area I am also interested is
algorithm design and analysis for VLSI.
- GANG XU (xugang@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisor: Doug Burger.
My research interests focus mainly on Computer System, esp subjects as
follows: Computer Architecture, High Performance Computation,
Distributed Systems, Fault Tolerance, Computer Networks, VLSI Design
- PRAVEEN YALAGANDULA (ypraveen@cs.utexas.edu)
Advisors: Harrick Vin, Mike Dahlin, Lorenzo Alvisi.
Areas of Interest: Distributed Systems, Networks, and Design and
Analysis of Algorithms.
Tue Dec 5 23:31:23 2000