Bug Reports

From: joel@SSD.intel.com
To: rvdg@cs.utexas.edu, shuler@cs.sandia.gov, tnt@SSD.intel.com
Cc: joel@SSD.intel.com
Subject: Bug in iCCdir/comm/iCC_work_size.c
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 95 09:24:06 -0700

There is a bug in the version I got of iCCdir/comm/iCC_work_size.c on line 46:

iCC_WORK = (void *) iCC_malloc( iCC_WORK,iCC_WORKLEN );

should be:

iCC_WORK = (void *) iCC_malloc( iCC_WORKLEN );

just as it is on line 36.

joel clark