Runtime Error | Explanation |
callError |
call to PROGRAM incorrect number of inputs, expecting XXX |
assocDeclMixed |
Assoc DECL has both name and number cardinalities |
associationsDiffer |
Association definitions in schemas NAME1 and NAME2 are different |
associationNoExist |
Association ASSONAME does not exist |
consult |
Check FILENAME for more details about termination |
consSchemaNoExist |
ConsSchema CONSNAME does not exist |
databaseFileNoExist |
Database file FILENAME does not exist or can't be opened |
schemaFileNoExist |
Schema file FILENAME does not exist or can't be opened |
SchemaInheritanceCycle |
Table TABLENAME participates in inheritance cycle |
SchemaIsAbstract |
Table schema SCHEMANAME is abstract -- can not insert tuples |
SchemaMultipleSubTableDecls |
Multiple subtable declarations for table TABLENAME |
SchemaMultipleTableDecls |
Multiple declarations for table TABLENAME |
SchemaNoMoreSubTables |
Cannot add subtable schema declaration to a 'finished' dbSchema SCHEMANAME |
SchemaNoMoreTables |
Cannot add table schema TABLESCHEMA to a 'finished' dbSchema SCHEMANAME |
SchemaNotFinished |
Cannot instantiate dbSchema SCHEMANAME because it is not 'finished' (finishAndPropagateAttributes()) |
schemaNotValid |
File FILENAME is not a valid schema |
dirCreation |
Unable to create directory FILENAME |
cantCopyFile |
Cannot copy FILE : REASON |
columnFormatBad |
Column format is bad REASON |
columnValuesBad |
Column list size SIZE1 does not match value list size SIZE2 |
correspondenceNotFound |
Cannot find correspondence LEFT |
csvReadError |
csv read error on FILENAME : ERRORMSG see line LINENO |
errorReport |
Error count COUNT |
fileNoExist |
File FILENAME does not exist or can't be opened |
ioerror |
noMDELiteHome |
cannot determine directory location of MDELite's jar file |
noTupleWithGivenId |
No tuple in TABLE has id=IDENTIFIER |
numberColumnsDiffer |
Tables with name TABLENAME do not have same number of columns |
numberSubTablesDiffer |
Number of subtable definitions in schemas NAME1 and NAME2 are different |
numberTablesDiffer |
Number of table definitions in dbSchemas NAME1 and NAME2 are different |
ooschemaFile |
File FILENAME is believed to be an .ooschema file - should be a file |
subTableNoFind |
Cannot find subTable declaration NAME in SCHEMANAME |
subTableNoSameSuperDifferentNames |
Super table schemas NAME1, NAME2 are different |
subTableNoSameSuperSameNames |
Super table schemas are different even though there name NAME is the same |
tableDuplicateColumn |
Column COLUMNNAME already exists in table TABLENAME |
tableFileNoExist |
Table file FILENAME does not exist or can't be opened |
tableHasNoColumns |
Table TABLENAME in schema SCHEMANAME has no columns |
tableHasNoSchema |
Table TABLE has no schema |
tableKeyed |
Keyed table not implemented yet |
tableNoHas1Tuple |
Table has COUNT != 1 tuple |
tableNoDeleteTuple |
Attempt to delete tuple with COLUMN = VALUE, not found in table TABLENAME |
tableNoExist |
Table TABLENAME not in dbSchema SCHEMANAME |
tableNoTupleFound |
No tuple in table TABLENAME satisfies given predicate |
tableNoTupleWithKey |
Cannot find tuple in table TABLE where KEY = VALUE |
tableNotInDataBase |
Table TABLENAME does not belong to a database; it is free-standing |
tableSchemasNotTheSame |
Table schemas SCHEMA1 and SCHEMA2 are different |
tableSchemaNamesDifferent |
DbSchema names NAME1 and NAME2 are not the same |
tableSchemaNoShareColumn |
Tables with TABLENAME do not share column COLUMNNAME |
tableSchemaNothingToRead |
No table schema read in file FILENAME |
tableUnknownColumn |
Unknown column 'COLUMNNAME' in table TABLE |
tablesHaveDifferentNames |
Tables TABLENAME1 and TABLENAME2 do not have same schema names |
tooManyArguments |
Too many error arguments in EXPLANATION |
tupleMissingValue |
Tuple in table TABLENAME missing value for COLUMNNAME |
tupleMissingValueS |
Tuple in table TABLENAME missing values for COLUMNNAMES |
tupleSetValues |
Setting NUMBER1 column values in tuple for table TABLENAME with NUMBER2 columns |
tupleTooManyColumns |
Tuple of table TABLENAME has too many columns : COLUMNNAMES |
tupleWrongNumAttributes |
Tuple from table TABLENAME does not have correct number of attributes |
unrecPrimType |
Unrecognizable primitive type TYPE |
violetWrongJavaVersion |
Wrong Java version VERSION for Violet; expected CORRECTVERSION |
violetWrongClass |
Wrong Java class CLASS for Violet; expected CORRECTCLASS |
violetWrongNumberObjects |
Wrong number of objects in violet SPEC; expected NUMBER but found ANUMBER |
violetUnexpectedType |
Wrong type TYPE for Violet; expected type FTYPE |
violetPropertyUnexpected |
Property AAA found but BBB was expected |
violetMissingAttribute |
Missing attribute for ATTRIBUTE |
violetParsingError |
Parsing error in reading violet file FILENAME : ERROR |
wrongCSVNameFormat |
Tsble file FILENAME does not end in .csv |
wrongDBNameFormat |
Database file name FILENAME not in correct format: |
wrongDatabaseNameFormat |
Database file does not end in '.pl' : FILENAME |
wrongFileName |
DB/Schema file FILENAME does not end in '.pl' or '' |
wrongFileNameFormatShort |
File name FILENAME not in correct format: does not end in 'pl' |
wrongPathNameFormat |
Path PATH has / and \ in it - be consistent |
wrongSchemaNameFormat |
Schema file name FILENAME does not end in 'PATTERN' |
wrongTable |
Adding tuple of wrong type NAME1 to table NAME2 |
wrongTableSameName |
Adding tuple of wrong type to table TABLE even though tables have same name |
yumlUnknownType |
Yuml unknown type TYPE |