MDELite Error Messages

The following table lists the error messages that can be posted by MDELite.  Hopefully their explanation is self-explanatory:

Runtime Error Explanation
callError call to PROGRAM incorrect number of inputs, expecting XXX
assocDeclMixed Assoc DECL has both name and number cardinalities
associationsDiffer Association definitions in schemas NAME1 and NAME2 are different
associationNoExist Association ASSONAME does not exist
consult Check FILENAME for more details about termination
consSchemaNoExist ConsSchema CONSNAME does not exist
databaseFileNoExist Database file FILENAME does not exist or can't be opened
schemaFileNoExist Schema file FILENAME does not exist or can't be opened
SchemaInheritanceCycle Table TABLENAME participates in inheritance cycle
SchemaIsAbstract Table schema SCHEMANAME is abstract -- can not insert tuples
SchemaMultipleSubTableDecls Multiple subtable declarations for table TABLENAME
SchemaMultipleTableDecls Multiple declarations for table TABLENAME
SchemaNoMoreSubTables Cannot add subtable schema declaration to a 'finished' dbSchema SCHEMANAME
SchemaNoMoreTables Cannot add table schema TABLESCHEMA to a 'finished' dbSchema SCHEMANAME
SchemaNotFinished Cannot instantiate dbSchema SCHEMANAME because it is not 'finished' (finishAndPropagateAttributes())
schemaNotValid File FILENAME is not a valid schema
dirCreation Unable to create directory FILENAME
cantCopyFile Cannot copy FILE : REASON
columnFormatBad Column format is bad REASON
columnValuesBad Column list size SIZE1 does not match value list size SIZE2
correspondenceNotFound Cannot find correspondence LEFT
csvReadError csv read error on FILENAME : ERRORMSG see line LINENO
errorReport Error count COUNT
fileNoExist File FILENAME does not exist or can't be opened
ioerror In file FILENAME : ERROR
noMDELiteHome cannot determine directory location of MDELite's jar file
noTupleWithGivenId No tuple in TABLE has id=IDENTIFIER
numberColumnsDiffer Tables with name TABLENAME do not have same number of columns
numberSubTablesDiffer Number of subtable definitions in schemas NAME1 and NAME2 are different
numberTablesDiffer Number of table definitions in dbSchemas NAME1 and NAME2 are different
ooschemaFile File FILENAME is believed to be an .ooschema file - should be a file
subTableNoFind Cannot find subTable declaration NAME in SCHEMANAME
subTableNoSameSuperDifferentNames Super table schemas NAME1, NAME2 are different
subTableNoSameSuperSameNames Super table schemas are different even though there name NAME is the same
tableDuplicateColumn Column COLUMNNAME already exists in table TABLENAME
tableFileNoExist Table file FILENAME does not exist or can't be opened
tableHasNoColumns Table TABLENAME in schema SCHEMANAME has no columns
tableHasNoSchema Table TABLE has no schema
tableKeyed Keyed table not implemented yet
tableNoHas1Tuple Table has COUNT != 1 tuple
tableNoDeleteTuple Attempt to delete tuple with COLUMN = VALUE, not found in table TABLENAME
tableNoExist Table TABLENAME not in dbSchema SCHEMANAME
tableNoTupleFound No tuple in table TABLENAME satisfies given predicate
tableNoTupleWithKey Cannot find tuple in table TABLE where KEY = VALUE
tableNotInDataBase Table TABLENAME does not belong to a database; it is free-standing
tableSchemasNotTheSame Table schemas SCHEMA1 and SCHEMA2 are different
tableSchemaNamesDifferent DbSchema names NAME1 and NAME2 are not the same
tableSchemaNoShareColumn Tables with TABLENAME do not share column COLUMNNAME
tableSchemaNothingToRead No table schema read in file FILENAME
tableUnknownColumn Unknown column 'COLUMNNAME' in table TABLE
tablesHaveDifferentNames Tables TABLENAME1 and TABLENAME2 do not have same schema names
tooManyArguments Too many error arguments in EXPLANATION
tupleMissingValue Tuple in table TABLENAME missing value for COLUMNNAME
tupleMissingValueS Tuple in table TABLENAME missing values for COLUMNNAMES
tupleSetValues Setting NUMBER1 column values in tuple for table TABLENAME with NUMBER2 columns
tupleTooManyColumns Tuple of table TABLENAME has too many columns : COLUMNNAMES
tupleWrongNumAttributes Tuple from table TABLENAME does not have correct number of attributes
unrecPrimType Unrecognizable primitive type TYPE
violetWrongJavaVersion Wrong Java version VERSION for Violet; expected CORRECTVERSION
violetWrongClass Wrong Java class CLASS for Violet; expected CORRECTCLASS
violetWrongNumberObjects Wrong number of objects in violet SPEC; expected NUMBER but found ANUMBER
violetUnexpectedType Wrong type TYPE for Violet; expected type FTYPE
violetPropertyUnexpected Property AAA found but BBB was expected
violetMissingAttribute Missing attribute for ATTRIBUTE
violetParsingError Parsing error in reading violet file FILENAME : ERROR
wrongCSVNameFormat Tsble file FILENAME does not end in .csv
wrongDBNameFormat Database file name FILENAME not in correct format:
wrongDatabaseNameFormat Database file does not end in '.pl' : FILENAME
wrongFileName DB/Schema file FILENAME does not end in '.pl' or ''
wrongFileNameFormatShort File name FILENAME not in correct format: does not end in 'pl'
wrongPathNameFormat Path PATH has / and \ in it - be consistent
wrongSchemaNameFormat Schema file name FILENAME does not end in 'PATTERN'
wrongTable Adding tuple of wrong type NAME1 to table NAME2
wrongTableSameName Adding tuple of wrong type to table TABLE even though tables have same name
yumlUnknownType Yuml unknown type TYPE

Parsing Error Explanation
csvTableNameMismatch [at LINENUMBER ] CVS tuple table name TABLENAME1 does not match CSV file name TABLENAME2
dbDeclsTooMany [at LINENUMBER ] more than one dbase/oodb/classDiagram declaration in FILENAME
dbInappropriate [at LINENUMBER ] dbase declaration is inappropriate for an oodb schema
ooInappropriate [at LINENUMBER ] oodb declaration is inappropriate for an dbase schema
ioerror [at LINENUMBER ] In file FILENAME : ERROR
parseError [at LINENUMBER ] parse error MESSAGE
parseIllformedNumber [at LINENUMBER ] ill-formed number starting with STRING
patternEmpty [at LINENUMBER ] pattern is empty
runAwayEntry [at LINENUMBER ] unended yuml box entry STR
runAwayString [at LINENUMBER ] unended quoted string STR
streamEndReached [at LINENUMBER ] end of line reached: TOKEN expected
subTableDefBeforeDB [at LINENUMBER ] subtable defined before oodb or dbase
tableDefBeforeDB [at LINENUMBER ] table defined before oodb or dbase
tableOnly1Allowed [at LINENUMBER ] only one table definition permitted in FILENAME
tableSchemaParseError [at LINENUMBER ] unable to parse table in FILENAME ERROR
tableUndefined [at LINENUMBER ] in file FILENAME : tuple declaration for undefined table TABLENAME
tupleHasInsufficientValues [at LINENUMBER ] in file FILENAME : insufficient number of values for a tuple of table TABLENAME
tupleHasInsufficientValues2 [at LINENUMBER ] insufficient number of values for a tuple of table TABLENAME
yumlDuplicateBoxDecl [at LINENUMBER ] duplicate declaration for class NAME
yumlIntHasFields [at LINENUMBER ] yuml interface NAME has fields
yumlLineParser [at LINENUMBER ] yuml line parser not initialized
yumlNoteHasFields [at LINENUMBER ] yuml note NAME has fields
yumlNoteHasMethods [at LINENUMBER ] yuml note NAME has methods
noTaBaDeclParsed [at LINENUMBER ] no taba decl parsed yet

TB Error Explanation