Table Aggregation in MDELite

MDELite supports a standard form of relational table aggregation that is based on the idea of relational data cubes.  Start with a relational table T, Fig (a) below.  A groupBy operation partitions this table into a 3D array of tables T[r][d][y], where r is a value from the Region column of T, d is a value from the Dept column of T, and y is a value from the Year column of T. All tuples t of T with Region=r, Dept=d, and Year=y are tuples of T[r][d][s].

Next, each  distinct table of
T[r][d][y] is aggregated into a single tuple a in table A, which has 4 columns, the groupBy columns Region, Dept, and Year and, in this case, a single aggregation value/statistic of table T[r][d][y], like what is the average of the Sales column, what is the largest value in the sales column, how many rows are there in the T[r][d][y], etc.  All T[r][d][y] tables are aggregated in exactly the same manner.  The resulting table A can then be aggregated, printed, etc. like the orginal table T.  Some notes:
 The basic call to group by is:
The typical use of group by is:

In the following, I present a series of aggregation and groupBy examples.  The database is taken from (a database text to be specified and linked).  It is complicated enough to provide a wealth of examples for aggregation (and without).

1. How many employees are from wichita?

Join the employees relation with a shortened zipcode relation and group by.  One could also, in this case, just count the number of employees in the given zipcode.
        String[] fields = {""};
employees.join("zip",>"city","wichita")), "zip")
.groupBy(fields,new Count("cnt"))
// or
int i =>"city","wichita")).rightSemiJoin("zip",employees,"zip").count();
System.out.println("count = " + i);

2. How many versions of "Land Before Time" have been sold?

The printing of the computed relation, below, is overkill.
        Table t =>p.get("pname").startsWith("land before time"))
.rightSemiJoin("pno", odetails, "pno")
.aggregate(new IntSum("sum","qty"));
System.out.println("Number of LBT sold = " + t.getFirst().get("sum"));

3. How many parts has each employee sold?

        Table t = employees.join("eno", orders, "eno").join("orders.ono", odetails, "ono");
String[] fields = {"employees.eno","employees.ename"};
Table r = t.groupBy(fields, new IntSum("Nsold","odetails.qty"));

4. For each part, how much money is in our warehouse?

This is a bit harder: The DoubleAgg reducer computes a field, called "money", and needs a function lambda(int i, Tuple tpl)=i + tpl.qoh*tpl*price; to compute the sum. 
        DoubleAgg da = new DoubleAgg("money",(i,tpl) -> i + tpl.getInt("qoh")*tpl.getDouble("price"));

5. What is the cost per order?

        Table j = orders.join("ono",odetails,"ono")
String[] fields = {"odetails.ono"};
Table r = j.groupBy(fields,
new DoubleAgg("cost",
(d,t)-> d + t.getInt("odetails.qty")*t.getDouble("parts.price") ));

6. What customers ordered dirty harry or dr, zhivago?

Not really an aggregation, but just for fun.>"pname","dirty harry","dr. zhivago"))
.rightSemiJoin("pno", odetails, "pno")
.rightSemiJoin("ono", orders, "ono")
.rightSemiJoin("cno", customers, "cno")