Example output for CS303e Assignment 12, First Digit. Given the same inputs, your output shall match the following output exactly. The output does not include the lines with ##### before and after the output. Those lines are to delineate the required output. I strongly recommend you check your output against the expected output using a diff tool such as https://www.diffchecker.com/. Example 1 - Inputs: tx_county_pop.txt ##### Enter file name: tx_county_pop.txt First digit data for Human Population of Texas Counties: Digit Percentage 1 29.1 2 18.1 3 14.6 4 7.9 5 9.8 6 4.3 7 6.3 8 6.3 9 3.5 Max value: 4680609 Max label: Harris ##### Example 2 - Inputs: mo_county_pop.txt ##### Determine percentage of leading digits 1 through 9. Enter file name: mo_county_pop.txt First digit data for Human Population of Missouri Counties: Digit Percentage 1 32.2 2 19.1 3 11.3 4 8.7 5 6.1 6 5.2 7 4.3 8 7.0 9 6.1 Max value: 996179 Max label: St. Louis ##### Example 3 - Inputs: hockey_goals.txt ##### Determine percentage of leading digits 1 through 9. Enter file name: hockey_goals.txt First digit data for Hockey Goals Scored Per Player 2018 - 2019 NHL Season: Digit Percentage 1 36.8 2 19.3 3 13.6 4 7.3 5 5.8 6 4.8 7 5.1 8 4.0 9 3.4 Max value: 51 Max label: Alex Ovechkin ##### Example 4 - Inputs: penalty_mins.txt ##### Determine percentage of leading digits 1 through 9. Enter file name: penalty_mins.txt First digit data for Penalty Minutes Served 2018 - 2019 NHL Season: Digit Percentage 1 23.1 2 30.0 3 11.2 4 13.4 5 6.0 6 8.4 7 1.6 8 5.7 9 0.6 Max value: 111 Max label: Evander Kane #####