Example output for CS303e Summer 2020 Assignment 6 Dice. Give the same inputs, your output shall match the following output exactly unless the user does not set the seed, in which case, your input will very likely be different. Note, when we grade the program we will always set the seed if the number of rounds is greater than 0. The output does not include the lines with ***** before and after the output. Those lines are to delineate the required output. Example 0 - Inputs: y, 13, 2 Note, user only won one round so output is 'time' insetad of 'times'. ***** This program simulates the dice game of craps. Do you want to set the seed? Enter y for yes, anything else for no: y Enter an int for the initial seed: 13 Enter the number of rounds to run: 2 Player won 1 time in 2 rounds. Maximum number of rolls in a round = 8 ***** Example 1 - Inputs: y, 1212, 10000 ***** This program simulates the dice game of craps. Do you want to set the seed? Enter y for yes, anything else for no: y Enter an int for the initial seed: 1212 Enter the number of rounds to run: 10000 Player won 4935 times in 10000 rounds. Maximum number of rolls in a round = 30 ***** Example 2 - Inputs: y, 250, 250 ***** This program simulates the dice game of craps. Do you want to set the seed? Enter y for yes, anything else for no: y Enter an int for the initial seed: 250 Enter the number of rounds to run: 250 Player won 122 times in 250 rounds. Maximum number of rolls in a round = 17 ***** Example 3 - Inputs: y, -97262, 50000 ***** This program simulates the dice game of craps. Do you want to set the seed? Enter y for yes, anything else for no: y Enter an int for the initial seed: -97262 Enter the number of rounds to run: 50000 Player won 24573 times in 50000 rounds. Maximum number of rolls in a round = 40 ***** Example 4 - Inputs: y, 72, 50000 ***** This program simulates the dice game of craps. Do you want to set the seed? Enter y for yes, anything else for no: y Enter an int for the initial seed: 72 Enter the number of rounds to run: 50000 Player won 24771 times in 50000 rounds. Maximum number of rolls in a round = 48 ***** Example 5 - Inputs: y, 73, 50000 ***** This program simulates the dice game of craps. Do you want to set the seed? Enter y for yes, anything else for no: y Enter an int for the initial seed: 73 Enter the number of rounds to run: 50000 Player won 24613 times in 50000 rounds. Maximum number of rolls in a round = 32 ***** Example 6 - Inputs: y, -1, -12 ***** This program simulates the dice game of craps. Do you want to set the seed? Enter y for yes, anything else for no: y Enter an int for the initial seed: -1 Enter the number of rounds to run: -12 Player won 0 times in 0 rounds. Maximum number of rolls in a round = 0 ***** Example 7 - Inputs: y, 3742, 10000000 ***** This program simulates the dice game of craps. Do you want to set the seed? Enter y for yes, anything else for no: y Enter an int for the initial seed: 3742 Enter the number of rounds to run: 10000000 Player won 4929453 times in 10000000 rounds. Maximum number of rolls in a round = 52 ***** Example 8 - Inputs: y, -251, 10000000 ***** This program simulates the dice game of craps. Do you want to set the seed? Enter y for yes, anything else for no: y Enter an int for the initial seed: -251 Enter the number of rounds to run: 10000000 Player won 4927042 times in 10000000 rounds. Maximum number of rolls in a round = 52 ***** Example 9 - Inputs: n, 100000 (note, as we are not setting the seed your output will likely be different) When we test your code we will always choose to set the seed number. ***** This program simulates the dice game of craps. Do you want to set the seed? Enter y for yes, anything else for no: n Enter the number of rounds to run: 100000 Player won 49075 times in 100000 rounds. Maximum number of rolls in a round = 35 ***** Example 10 - Inputs: y, 6162021, 1 Note, only 1 round and slight difference in output, 'round' instead of 'rounds' if user only plays 1 round. ***** This program simulates the dice game of craps. Do you want to set the seed? Enter y for yes, anything else for no: y Enter an int for the initial seed: 6162021 Enter the number of rounds to run: 1 Player won 0 times in 1 round. Maximum number of rolls in a round = 2 *****