Example output for CS303e Summer 2020 Assignment 10, using lists to simulate Rack-O.. Give the same inputs, your output shall match the following output exactly. The output does not include the lines with ***** before and after the output. Those lines are to delineate the required output. I strongly recommend you check your output against the expected output using a diff tool such as https://www.diffchecker.com/. Example 1 - Inputs: y,4,5,p,1,60,0,-5,12,29,p,57,p,23,d,p,27,p,27,48 ***** ----- Welcome to Rack - O! ----- Enter y to display instructions: y The goal of the game is to get the cards in your rack of cards into ascending order. Your rack has ten slots numbered 1 to 10. During your turn you can draw the top card of the deck or take the top card of the discard pile. If you draw the top card of the deck, you can use that card to replace a card in one slot of your rack. The replaced card goes to the discard pile. Alternatively you can simply choose to discard the drawn card. If you take the top card of the discard pile you must use it to replace a card in one slot of your rack. The replaced card goes to the top of the discard pile. Enter number for initial seed: 4 Enter the size of the rack to use. Must be between 5 and 10: 5 Player 1's turn. Your current rack [29, 48, 46, 50, 23] Top of discard pile 1 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 1: 1 1 is not in your rack. Enter the card number to replace with the 1: 60 60 is not in your rack. Enter the card number to replace with the 1: 0 0 is not in your rack. Enter the card number to replace with the 1: -5 -5 is not in your rack. Enter the card number to replace with the 1: 12 12 is not in your rack. Enter the card number to replace with the 1: 29 The rack after the turn [1, 48, 46, 50, 23] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [40, 44, 57, 55, 27] Top of discard pile 29 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 29: 57 The rack after the turn [40, 44, 29, 55, 27] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [1, 48, 46, 50, 23] Top of discard pile 57 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 57: 23 The rack after the turn [1, 48, 46, 50, 57] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [40, 44, 29, 55, 27] Top of discard pile 23 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 52 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: p Enter the card number to replace with the 52: 27 The rack after the turn [40, 44, 29, 55, 52] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [1, 48, 46, 50, 57] Top of discard pile 27 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 27: 27 27 is not in your rack. Enter the card number to replace with the 27: 48 The rack after the turn [1, 27, 46, 50, 57] Player 1 wins! ***** Example 2 - Inputs: n,5,10,p,55,p,19,p,36,p,46,p,56,p,57,p,32,p,21,d,d,p,43,p,10,d,d,p,44,p,39,p,9,d,d,d,p,38,p,59,d,p,26,d,p,12,d,p,50,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,p,29,d,d,d,p,5,d,d,d,p,60 ***** ----- Welcome to Rack - O! ----- Enter y to display instructions: n Enter number for initial seed: 5 Enter the size of the rack to use. Must be between 5 and 10: 10 Player 1's turn. Your current rack [44, 36, 55, 38, 50, 9, 10, 56, 26, 32] Top of discard pile 22 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 22: 55 The rack after the turn [44, 36, 22, 38, 50, 9, 10, 56, 26, 32] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [12, 43, 21, 33, 46, 59, 39, 19, 57, 15] Top of discard pile 55 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 55: 19 The rack after the turn [12, 43, 21, 33, 46, 59, 39, 55, 57, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [44, 36, 22, 38, 50, 9, 10, 56, 26, 32] Top of discard pile 19 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 19: 36 The rack after the turn [44, 19, 22, 38, 50, 9, 10, 56, 26, 32] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [12, 43, 21, 33, 46, 59, 39, 55, 57, 15] Top of discard pile 36 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 36: 46 The rack after the turn [12, 43, 21, 33, 36, 59, 39, 55, 57, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [44, 19, 22, 38, 50, 9, 10, 56, 26, 32] Top of discard pile 46 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 46: 56 The rack after the turn [44, 19, 22, 38, 50, 9, 10, 46, 26, 32] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [12, 43, 21, 33, 36, 59, 39, 55, 57, 15] Top of discard pile 56 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 56: 57 The rack after the turn [12, 43, 21, 33, 36, 59, 39, 55, 56, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [44, 19, 22, 38, 50, 9, 10, 46, 26, 32] Top of discard pile 57 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 57: 32 The rack after the turn [44, 19, 22, 38, 50, 9, 10, 46, 26, 57] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [12, 43, 21, 33, 36, 59, 39, 55, 56, 15] Top of discard pile 32 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 32: 21 The rack after the turn [12, 43, 32, 33, 36, 59, 39, 55, 56, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [44, 19, 22, 38, 50, 9, 10, 46, 26, 57] Top of discard pile 21 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 20 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [44, 19, 22, 38, 50, 9, 10, 46, 26, 57] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [12, 43, 32, 33, 36, 59, 39, 55, 56, 15] Top of discard pile 20 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 20: 43 The rack after the turn [12, 20, 32, 33, 36, 59, 39, 55, 56, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [44, 19, 22, 38, 50, 9, 10, 46, 26, 57] Top of discard pile 43 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 43: 10 The rack after the turn [44, 19, 22, 38, 50, 9, 43, 46, 26, 57] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [12, 20, 32, 33, 36, 59, 39, 55, 56, 15] Top of discard pile 10 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 5 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [12, 20, 32, 33, 36, 59, 39, 55, 56, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [44, 19, 22, 38, 50, 9, 43, 46, 26, 57] Top of discard pile 5 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 5: 44 The rack after the turn [5, 19, 22, 38, 50, 9, 43, 46, 26, 57] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [12, 20, 32, 33, 36, 59, 39, 55, 56, 15] Top of discard pile 44 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 44: 39 The rack after the turn [12, 20, 32, 33, 36, 59, 44, 55, 56, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [5, 19, 22, 38, 50, 9, 43, 46, 26, 57] Top of discard pile 39 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 39: 9 The rack after the turn [5, 19, 22, 38, 50, 39, 43, 46, 26, 57] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [12, 20, 32, 33, 36, 59, 44, 55, 56, 15] Top of discard pile 9 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 3 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [12, 20, 32, 33, 36, 59, 44, 55, 56, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [5, 19, 22, 38, 50, 39, 43, 46, 26, 57] Top of discard pile 3 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 29 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: p Enter the card number to replace with the 29: 38 The rack after the turn [5, 19, 22, 29, 50, 39, 43, 46, 26, 57] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [12, 20, 32, 33, 36, 59, 44, 55, 56, 15] Top of discard pile 38 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 38: 59 The rack after the turn [12, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 55, 56, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [5, 19, 22, 29, 50, 39, 43, 46, 26, 57] Top of discard pile 59 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 47 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: p Enter the card number to replace with the 47: 26 The rack after the turn [5, 19, 22, 29, 50, 39, 43, 46, 47, 57] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [12, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 55, 56, 15] Top of discard pile 26 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 13 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: p Enter the card number to replace with the 13: 12 The rack after the turn [13, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 55, 56, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [5, 19, 22, 29, 50, 39, 43, 46, 47, 57] Top of discard pile 12 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 60 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: p Enter the card number to replace with the 60: 50 The rack after the turn [5, 19, 22, 29, 60, 39, 43, 46, 47, 57] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [13, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 55, 56, 15] Top of discard pile 50 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 28 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [13, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 55, 56, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [5, 19, 22, 29, 60, 39, 43, 46, 47, 57] Top of discard pile 28 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 49 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [5, 19, 22, 29, 60, 39, 43, 46, 47, 57] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [13, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 55, 56, 15] Top of discard pile 49 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 6 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [13, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 55, 56, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [5, 19, 22, 29, 60, 39, 43, 46, 47, 57] Top of discard pile 6 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 18 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [5, 19, 22, 29, 60, 39, 43, 46, 47, 57] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [13, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 55, 56, 15] Top of discard pile 18 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 27 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [13, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 55, 56, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [5, 19, 22, 29, 60, 39, 43, 46, 47, 57] Top of discard pile 27 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 27: 29 The rack after the turn [5, 19, 22, 27, 60, 39, 43, 46, 47, 57] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [13, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 55, 56, 15] Top of discard pile 29 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 14 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [13, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 55, 56, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [5, 19, 22, 27, 60, 39, 43, 46, 47, 57] Top of discard pile 14 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 1 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: p Enter the card number to replace with the 1: 5 The rack after the turn [1, 19, 22, 27, 60, 39, 43, 46, 47, 57] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [13, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 55, 56, 15] Top of discard pile 5 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 41 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [13, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 55, 56, 15] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [1, 19, 22, 27, 60, 39, 43, 46, 47, 57] Top of discard pile 41 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 37 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: p Enter the card number to replace with the 37: 60 The rack after the turn [1, 19, 22, 27, 37, 39, 43, 46, 47, 57] Player 1 wins! ***** Example 3 - Inputs: n,6,10,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d,p,41,p,5,p,20,p,39,p,50,p,34,p,8,p,25,p,33,p,59,d,d,p,33,d,p,30 ***** ----- Welcome to Rack - O! ----- Enter y to display instructions: n Enter number for initial seed: 6 Enter the size of the rack to use. Must be between 5 and 10: 10 Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 46 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 55 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 55 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 4 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 4 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 23 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 23 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 15 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 15 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 9 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 9 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 29 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 29 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 14 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 14 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 26 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 26 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 12 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 12 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 58 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 58 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 22 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 22 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 28 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 28 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 57 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 57 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 54 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 54 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 36 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 36 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 42 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 42 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 7 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 7 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 40 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 40 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 35 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 35 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 27 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 27 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 13 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 13 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 56 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 56 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 18 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 18 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 2 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 2 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 21 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 21 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 24 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 24 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 31 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 31 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 38 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 38 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 43 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 43 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 10 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 10 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 1 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 1 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 3 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 3 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 17 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 17 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 49 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 49 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 32 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 32 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 6 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 6 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 53 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 53 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 37 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 37 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 51 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Deck is empty. Shuffling discard pile. Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 41, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 13 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 13: 41 The rack after the turn [20, 13, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 5, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 41 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 41: 5 The rack after the turn [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 41, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [20, 13, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 5 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 5: 20 The rack after the turn [5, 13, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 39, 48, 59, 41, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 20 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 20: 39 The rack after the turn [25, 11, 20, 48, 59, 41, 44, 34, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [5, 13, 19, 33, 8, 30, 50, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 39 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 39: 50 The rack after the turn [5, 13, 19, 33, 8, 30, 39, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 20, 48, 59, 41, 44, 34, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 50 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 50: 34 The rack after the turn [25, 11, 20, 48, 59, 41, 44, 50, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [5, 13, 19, 33, 8, 30, 39, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 34 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 34: 8 The rack after the turn [5, 13, 19, 33, 34, 30, 39, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [25, 11, 20, 48, 59, 41, 44, 50, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 8 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 8: 25 The rack after the turn [8, 11, 20, 48, 59, 41, 44, 50, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [5, 13, 19, 33, 34, 30, 39, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 25 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 25: 33 The rack after the turn [5, 13, 19, 25, 34, 30, 39, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [8, 11, 20, 48, 59, 41, 44, 50, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 33 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 33: 59 The rack after the turn [8, 11, 20, 48, 33, 41, 44, 50, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [5, 13, 19, 25, 34, 30, 39, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 59 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 40 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: d The rack after the turn [5, 13, 19, 25, 34, 30, 39, 45, 47, 60] Player 1's turn. Your current rack [8, 11, 20, 48, 33, 41, 44, 50, 52, 16] Top of discard pile 40 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: p Enter the card number to replace with the 40: 33 The rack after the turn [8, 11, 20, 48, 40, 41, 44, 50, 52, 16] Player 2's turn. Your current rack [5, 13, 19, 25, 34, 30, 39, 45, 47, 60] Top of discard pile 33 Enter d to draw anything else to take top of discard pile: d drew the 37 Enter p to place card, anything else to discard it: p Enter the card number to replace with the 37: 30 The rack after the turn [5, 13, 19, 25, 34, 37, 39, 45, 47, 60] Player 2 wins! *****