Review the assignment guidelines.
Write a program that prints your initials in stylized large letters using the letters in your initials.
The format of the output shall be
[blank line]
[three periods][your initials in capital letters with no spaces]
[blank line]
[three periods][your initials with 'large letters' and periods]
[blank line]
For example, if you name is "Michael David Scott", your program output would look the following image:
Note, each large letter is made up of individual capital letters. So the large M consists of 'M's, the large D consists of 'D's and so forth.
Each letter in the output shall be 12 characters wide by 10 characters high. The design of letters is up to you, but each block letter shall consist of the associated letter from the line with initials and periods.
Each letter in the output shall be followed by a large period made up of 4 asterisk characters.
In the output there shall be three columns of periods to the left and to the right of each letter and period, except the rightmost period. There shall be no trailing spaces on any lines. Trailing spaces are spaces that come after the last visible characters in a line, except to the right of the last period. In other words the total output of the large letters shall be 10 characters high and 60 characters wide.
If you only have two initials then pick any other letter as a stand in. The stand in you choose can be the first, middle, or last initial. For example, use M for Ms. or D for Doctor.
In the output, there shall be a blank line before the small initials, in between the small and large initials, and after the large initials. A print with nothing in the parenthesis will lead to a blank line being output. Note, it appears there are two blank lines in the above image. This is a function of the IDE used. In my code there is only a single call to the print() function after printing out the last line with visible characters.
Here are markups showing the required dimensions and output of your program:
Your code shall be defined in a main function.
In your code, you shall have two blank lines before and after the main function.
You shall add a comment for the main function. Place the comment after the def main(): line and before the first print of the main function.
Recall, you must include and fill out the header for the assignment and place it at the top of the program. Replace any items in <> with the proper information and delete the <>. Check the course syllabus for your assigned grader based on your last name,
Each program must contain the following header with your information filled
it. Programs that do not contain the header with your information shall
lose 1 point. You must replace any of the items such as <YOUR NAME>
with the proper information. Delete the "<" and ">".
# File: <NAME OF FILE>
# Description:
# Assignment Number: <Assignment
Number, 1 - 13>
# Name: <YOUR
# Email: <YOUR EMAIL>
# Grader: <YOUR
# On my
honor, <YOUR NAME>, this programming assignment is my own work
# and I have
not provided this code to any other student.
The header in my program would look like this:
# File:
# Description: Print out my initials.
Assignment Number: 1
# Name: Mike Scott
# EID:
# Email:
# Grader: Mayra
# On my
honor, Michael Scott, this programming assignment is my own work
# and I have
not provided this code to any other student.