University of Texas CS305j, Introduction to Computing Discussion Section Handout #4 Conditional Execution 1. Using conditional execution Write a method that prints out commentary on the result of a football game. The method takes two parameters, team one's score and team two's score. The commentary is based on the absolute value of the difference between the scores. Instead of using the Math class' absolute value method calculate the absolute value of the difference between the scores yourself. absolute value of difference commentary 0 "The game was a tie. A tie?!?!?" 1 - 6 "The game was a real barn burner." 7 - 14 "A close game." 15 - 30 "What a blowout." > 30 "People paid money to see that?" After the commentary print out the score and who won the game, team 1 or team 2. (You don't know the names of the teams so just refer to them as team 1 and team 2.) Write tests for you method in the main method of the program and run them. 2. Writing methods that return values Write a method tax that takes a salary as a parameter and that returns the amount of federal tax you would owe if you make that salary. The tax is computed based on your tax bracket as described in the table below. You use the first two columns to find the appropriate bracket. Once you know which row of the table to use, start with the "flat amount" and add the "+%" of the amount over the amount listed in the final column. For example, if your income is $50,000, then you use the third row of the table and compute the tax as $4,220 plus 25% of the amount over $30,650. Over But not over Flat amount +% Of excess over ------------------------------------------------------------- $0 $7,825 $0 10% $0 $7,825 $31,850 $782.50 15% $7,825 $31,850 $77,100 $4,386.25 25% $31,850 $77,100 unlimited $15,698.75 28% $77,100 You may assume that your method is passed a value of type double and you should return a double. Don't worry about whether or not the tax works out to an even amount of money (dollars and cents). Just compute the answer as a double using the formula. You may assume that your method is passed a value greater than or equal to 0. Note, there are actually 2 more brackets beyond those listed, but we will keep the problem simple. 3. Evaluating code. Consider the following method // assume x > 0 public static int mystery(int x){ int total = 0; while( x > 0 ){ total++; x = x / 3; } return total; } What is returned by the following method calls? mystery(0) mystery(1) mystery(6) mystery(9) mystery(100) mystery(1000)