Schedule - CS 314 - Fall 2024

Readings are from Building Java Programs 5th Edition, Author Reges and Stepp, ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-0135471944. Abbreviated as BJP5 below.

All programming assignments are due by 11 pm on the date indicated.

All slides in PDF 4 Up Format. (Large file! 180+ pages) Do not print this in the CS labs!

All slides in PDF Format. Many, Many Pages!! Do not print in the CS labs!!

Co-study sessions. Co-study is an extra problems solving session with a TA. Same content covered in the two meetings each week. Goal is to understand content NOT to get help on assignments.

Monday Tues. Wednesday Thur. Friday
8/26 Topic 1: Syllabus and Course Mechanics
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1.Read the course syllabus, topics list, and schedule. Browse class materials on class web site.

Topic 2: Algorithm Analysis
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP5 13.2
2. Another explanation of Big O.
3. BJP5 Self check exercises: 9, 10, 11, 12

No discussion sections today.
8/27 8/28 Topic 2: Algorithm Analysis continued
1. Video: complexity and efficiency
2. BJP5 Self check exercises: 13, 14, 15

Syllabus Quiz Due on Canvas
8/30 Topic 3: Encapsulation - IntList

Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP5  15.1
2. The Java Tutorial online. Lesson: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts. Read the following two topics: What is an Object? What is a Class?
3. BJP5 Exercises 1 lastIndexOf, 3 replaceAll
4. Practice it Problems: 15.5 runningTotal, 15.12 removeFront

Background Survey Due on Canvas

Labor Day Holiday - UT Closed

No class, discussion sections, co-lab study or help hours.

Co-study session. 4:30 - 6 pm. GDC 2.502
9/4  Topic 3: Encapsulation - IntList

1. BJP5  15.2, 15.3 only section on resizing, 15.4, and 10.1
2. The Java Tutorial online. Lesson: Objects. Read the page on Objects and the sub pages on Creating Objects and using Objects.
3. The Java Tutorial online. Classes. Read all the subtopics of in the Classes section.
4. Practice it Problems: 15.13 removeAll, 15.22 fromCounts


Academic Integrity Quiz due on Canvas. (You must get a perfect score or grade will be set to 0. You can take as many times as you like.)

Program 1 due
9/6  Topic 3: Encapsulation - IntList

1. BJP5 10.1


Topic 4: Inheritance -  SortedIntList
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP5 9.1, 9.2, 9.4
2. Video: Inheritance and super classes
3. Practice it Problems: 9.4 MonsterTruck, 9.9 MinMaxAccount

Discussion Sections meet - Section Problem 1 (Algorithm analysis)

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm. GDC 1.304


Co-study session. 4:30 - 6 pm. GDC 2.502
9/11  Topic 4: Inheritance -  SortedIntList

1. The Java Tutorial online. A more detailed look at inheritance. Read this page and all the following sub topics: Overriding and Hiding Methods, Hiding Fields, Using the Keyword super, and Object as a Superclass.

Program 2 due

9/13   Topic 5: Polymorphism, GenericList  Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP5 9.3, 10.1
2. Video: Polymorphism
3. Practice ArrayList questions: 10.4 doubleList, 10.10 removeInRange, 10.15 filterRange

9/16  Topic 6: Java Generics
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP5 10.1, 11.1, 15.4
2. An explanation of the Java Collections Framework.
3. The Java tutorial online. Generics. Read the Introduction and the section on Defining Simple Generic Types.

Discussion Sections meet - Section Problem 2 (Polymorphism and Inheritance, Array based Lists)

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm. GDC 1.304
Co-study session. 4:30 - 6 pm. GDC 2.502

9/18  Topic 7: Interfaces
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP5 9.5, 11.1
2. Video: Interfaces


Program 3 due

9/20   Topic 8: Iterators
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP5 11.1, 15.3 section on adding an Iterator.
2. Video: Implementing Comparable
3. Nested Classes. Read the main entry on Nested Classes and the subtopic on Inner Class Example.

9/23   Topic 9 - Maps
1. BJP5 11.3, 11.2
2. The Java Tutorial online, the Map Interface.
3. Practice it Problems: 11.13 isUnique, 11.4 intersect
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up
1. Video: Maps
2. Practice it Problems: 11.15 maxOccurrences, 11.19 rarest, 11.21 pairCount

Discussion Sections meet - Section Problem 3 (New Data Structures)

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm. GDC 1.304

Exam 1 Review with Mike 7 - 8  pm via Zoom  - Link on Canvas

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm. GDC 6.302

9/25  Topic 9 - Maps

Exam 1 Tonight. Approximate time 6:45 - 9 pm. Topics 1 - 8.
Uniques 50185, 50190, 50195, 50205, 50210, 50215, 50220 -> WEL 1.316
Uniques 50225, 50230, 50235, 50240, 50245, 50250, 50255 -> WEL 1.308


No Help Hours Today Due to Exam Grading
9/27    Topic 10: Abstract Classes
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP5 9.6
2. The Java Tutorial online. Abstract Methods and Classes

9/30  Topic 11: Linked Lists
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1.  BJP5 16.1, 16.2
2. Video: Linked List Nodes
3. Video: Linked List Traversal
4. Practice it Problems: 16.1 set, 16.2 min, 16.3 isSorted, 16.7 deleteBack

10/1 10/2  Topic 11 Linked Lists

1. BJP5 16.3, 16.4, 16.5
2. Video Complex Linked List
3. Practice it Problems: 16.8 switchPairs, 16.13 transferFrom, 16.21 surroundWith (Interesting)


Program 4 due
10/4  Finish Topic 11 - Linked Lists
10/7  Topic 12: Recursion
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4
2. Video: Recursive Tracing
3. Video: Recursive Functions
4. Practice it Problems: 12.1 starString, 12.6 writeSquares, 12.7 writeChars

Discussion sections meet - Exam 1 returned in section.

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm. GDC 1.304

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm, GDC 4.304
10/9  Finish Topic 12: Recursion
1. Video: Implementing a Recursive Method
2. Practice it Problems: 12.8 multiplyEvens, 12.10 digitMatch, 12.20 waysToClimb

Program 5 due
10/11   Topic 13: Recursive Backtracking
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP5 12.5, 12.6

10/14  Finish Topic 13: Recursive Backtracking
1. Another explanation of recursive backtracking.
2. The 8 queens puzzle at Wikipedia.
3. the knapsack problem at Wikipedia
4. Practice it Problems. 12.22 subsets, 12.23 maxSum

Discussion Sections meet - Section Problem 4 (Recursion)

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm. GDC 1.304
Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm, GDC 4.304
10/16  Topic 14: Searching, Simple Sorts
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP5 13.3
2. Video: Binary Search
3. Video: Sorting


Program 6 due


10/18  Topic 15: Stacks
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1.BJP5 14.1, 14.2, 14.3
2. Video Stack basics
3. Practice it Problems: 14.1 splitStack, 14.10 isConsecutive

10/21 Topic 16: Queues
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1.  BJP5 14.3. 14.4
2. Video: Queue basics
3. Video: Stack / Queue Advanced
4. Practice it Problems: 14.20 interleave

Discussion Sections meet - Section Problem 5 (Maps and More Recursion)

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm. GDC 1.304

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm, GDC 4.304

10/23  Topic 17: Quicksort and Mergesort
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP5 13.1, 13.4
2. Video: sorting
3. Sorting articles at Wikipedia: Quick sort, Merge sort


Program 7 due
10/25  Topic 18: Binary trees
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP5 17.1, 17.2, 17.3
2. Video: Binary Tree Traversal 1
3. Video: Binary Tree Traversal 2
4. Practice it Problems: 17.1 countLeftNodes, 17.2 countEmpty, 17.4 printLeaves

10/28  Topic 19: Binary search trees
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP5 17.4, 17.5
2. Video: Complex Binary Tree Ops
3. Practice it Problems: 17.7 isFull, 17.9 equals, 17.10 doublePositives

Discussion Sections meet - Section Problem 6 (Linked List Review)

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm. GDC 1.304

Exam 2 Review with Mike 7 - 8 pm via Zoom  - Link on Canvas

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm, GDC 4.304
10/30  Finish Topic 19: Binary search trees
1. Practice it Problems: 17.12 removeLeaves, 17.14 completeToLevel, 17.16 tighten

Exam 2 Tonight. Approximate time 6:45 - 9 pm. Topics 1 - 18. Location
Uniques 50185, 50190, 50195, 50205, 50210, 50215, 50220 -> WEL 1.308
Uniques 50225, 50230, 50235, 50240, 50245, 50250, 50255 -> WEL 1.316
No Help Hours Today Due to Exam Grading

11/1  Topic 23: Red - Black Trees
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

11/4  Topic 20: Huffman Coding
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

No discussion sections today

11/6  Topic 20: Huffman Coding


Program 8 due

11/8  Topic 21: Graphs
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. Graphs at Wikipedia

11/11 Topic 21: Graphs

Discussion Sections meet: Exam 2 returned and reviewed in discussion section.

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm. GDC 1.304

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm, GDC 4.304
11/13  Topic 21: Graphs

Program 9 due

11/15  Topic 22: Hash Tables
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

1. BJP5 18.1
2. Video: Hashing

11/18 Topic 22 Hash Tables

Discussion Sections meet - Section Problem 7 (Encoding)

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm. GDC 1.304

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm, GDC 4.304

11/20  Topic 25: Tries
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

Program 10 due
11/22  Topic 24: Heaps
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up
1. BJP5 18.2
2. Video: Heaps

11/25 Fall and Thanksgiving Break Break. No class, sections, or help hours this week.

11/26 11/27



12/2  Topic 26: Dynamic Programming
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF 4up

Discussion Sections meet - Section Problem 8 (Trees)

Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm. GDC 1.304
Co-study session. 5 - 6:30 pm, GDC 4.304
12/4  Topic 26: Dynamic Programming
Program 11 due.
Topic 27: Functional Programming in Java
1. BJP5 19.1 - 19.6
12/9   Catch up day

Last day of regular help hours

No discussion sections today

Study Day

12/11 Study Day

Exam 3 Review with Mike 6 - 7 pm via Zoom - Link on Canvas

UT Final Exams Start

Exam 3. 3:30 - 5:30 pm
All students -> UTC 2.112A
12/16 Last day of UT final exams