On Optimal Cooperation of Knowledge Sources - An Empirical Investigation

On Optimal Cooperation of Knowledge Sources - An Empirical Investigation
M. Benda, V. Jagannathan, and R. Dodhiawala, 1986





BibTeX Entry

  author =       "Benda, M. and Jagannathan, V. and Dodhiawala, R.",
  title =        "On Optimal Cooperation of Knowledge Sources - An Empirical Investigation",
  institution =  "Boeing Advanced Technology Center, Boeing Computing Services",
  year =         "1986",
  number =    "BCS--G2010--28",
  address =   "Seattle, WA, USA",
  month =     "July",
  url = "http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~shivaram",
  bib2html_rescat = "Multiagent Learning",

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