Learning Sequential Decision Rules Using Simulation Models and Competition
Learning Sequential Decision Rules Using Simulation Models and Competition
John J. Grefenstette, Connie Loggia Ramsey, and Alan C. Schultz, 1990
BibTeX Entry
@Article{Grefenstette+RS:1990, author = "Grefenstette, John J. and Ramsey, Connie Loggia and Schultz, Alan C.", title = "Learning Sequential Decision Rules Using Simulation Models and Competition", journal = "Machine Learning", year = "1990", volume = "5", number = "4", pages = "355--381", month = "October", publisher = {Kluwer Academic}, address = {Hingham, MA, USA}, url = "http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/staff/kovacs/lcs.archive/Grefenstette1990a.ps.gz", bib2html_rescat = "Learning Methods", }