Looping suffix tree-based inference of partially observable hidden state
Looping suffix tree-based inference of partially observable hidden state
Michael P. Holmes and Charles Lee Isbell, Jr, 2006
BibTeX Entry
@InProceedings{Holmes+Isbell:2006, author = "Holmes, Michael P. and Isbell, Jr, Charles Lee", title = "Looping suffix tree-based inference of partially observable hidden state", booktitle = "Proceedings of the twenty-third international conference on Machine learning (ICML 2006)", year = "2006", ISBN = "1-59593-383-2", publisher = "ACM", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "409--416", url = "http://www.cc.gatech.edu/grads/h/Michael.Holmes/holmes-isbell-ICML06.pdf", bib2html_rescat = "Partial Observability", }