Convergence of synchronous reinforcement learning with linear function approximation

Convergence of synchronous reinforcement learning with linear function approximation
Artur Merke and Ralf Schoknecht, 2004





BibTeX Entry

  author =       "Merke, Artur and Schoknecht, Ralf",
  title =        "Convergence of synchronous reinforcement learning with linear function approximation",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the twenty-first international conference on Machine learning (ICML 2004)",
  year =         "2004",
  ISBN =         "1-58113-828-5",
  editor    = "Brodley, Carla E.",
  volume =    "69",
  publisher = "ACM",
  url = "",
  bib2html_rescat = "Function Approximation",

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