A Convergent Form of Approximate Policy Iteration

A Convergent Form of Approximate Policy Iteration
Theodore J. Perkins and Doina Precup, 2003





BibTeX Entry

  author =       "Perkins, Theodore J. and Precup, Doina",
  title =        "A Convergent Form of Approximate Policy Iteration",
  booktitle =    "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15 (NIPS 2002)",
  year =         "2003",
  ISBN =         "0-262-02550-7",
  editor =    "Becker, Suzanna and Thrun, Sebastian and Obermayer, Klaus",
  publisher = "MIT Press",
  pages =     "1595--1602",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 10 16:53:46 1994",
  url = "http://books.nips.cc/papers/files/nips15/CN11.pdf",
  bib2html_rescat = "Function Approximation",

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