Machine Learning Approach to the Detection of Fetal Hypoxia during Labor and Delivery

Machine Learning Approach to the Detection of Fetal Hypoxia during Labor and Delivery
Philip A. Warrick, Emily F. Hamilton, Robert E. Kearney, and Doina Precup, 2010





BibTeX Entry

  author =       "Warrick, Philip A. and Hamilton, Emily F. and Kearney, Robert E. and Precup, Doina",
  title =        "Machine Learning Approach to the Detection of Fetal Hypoxia during Labor and Delivery",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the Twenty-second IAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IAAI 2010)",
  year =         "2010",
  editor =    "Rychtyckyj, Nestor and Shapiro, Daniel",
  publisher = "AAAI",
  pages =     "1865--1870",
  url = "",
  bib2html_rescat = "Failure Warning",

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