Course description
Lecture notes
CS 380S - Theory and Practice of Secure Systems (54910)
Fall 2009
Course description
This course covers selected topics in system and network security,
focusing in particular on (i) design and analysis of secure software
systems, and (ii) privacy and privacy-enhancing technologies. Topics
include, but are not limited to:
- Software security
- Vulnerabilities and attacks on software systems
- Verification and analysis of secure software
- Privacy
- Theoretical models of privacy
- Introduction to secure multi-party computation
- Database privacy and privacy-preserving data mining
This is a project-oriented course. Students are expected to
complete an independent project.
A project may involve a significant implementation, using an analysis
tool to investigate security of a real-world software system, or a
substantial theoretical study.
While there are no formal prerequisites for this course, students are
expected to have the basic understanding of the following areas:
- Computer systems (at the level of an undergraduate operating
systems course);
- Fundamental concepts in cryptography (such as cryptographically
strong hash functions and public-key cryptosystems); and
- Basic complexity theory (at the level of an undergraduate course
in the theory of computation).
Course assignments, including homeworks, will involve reading and
understanding state-of-the-art research papers in computer security.