Graphics DiRP Fall 2022!

Week Summary Slides Assignment/Readings Other/Optional Resources
0 Group introductions + computer graphics topic overview Slides
(Links to more information about each topic in Speaker Notes)
Bring a paper related to computer graphics that looks cool! Pixar's Graphics Evolution
More about rendering equation
Luca: Our Italian Inspiration on Disney Plus
1 Rendering fundamentals: ray tracing vs. rasterization Meeting Notes
Whitted-style Ray Tracing Paper
Rasterization Blog Post
Renderman Paper
Ray Tracing - NVIDIA
Compute Shaders by Sebastian Lague
Refraction/Reflection Derivations
2 Review + Rasterization Slides Transforms
Animating Static Images
3Blue1Brown Linear Transformations and Matrices
Animating Static Images Video
3 More into Shaders N/A Book of Shaders: Intro
Book of Shaders: Ch. 1
Book of Shaders: Ch. 2
The Rendering Equation - James T. Kajiya
Graphics Pipeline Performance - NVIDIA
4 Graphics Pipeline Slides Programming Assignment: 2D Circle Shader (Magenta circle, Black background)
OpenGL Rendering Pipeline
Book of Shaders: Ch. 5
Book of Shaders: Ch. 6
High-Performance Polygon Rendering
Reality Engine graphics
5 Project brainstorming! TBD About the Demoscene More to come...