Graphics DiRP Final Projects

Nori - Ray Tracer Project


You'll need to download and set up cmake.
This should be pretty straightforward in Linux/MacOS systems, let me know if you're having trouble. (I haven't had to set up in Windows yet, but we should be able to help you out if you have trouble.)
You'll need to recursively clone my fork:
Once you have cmake and the code cloned, navigate into the nori folder.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. (or cmake-gui ..)
$ make -j


Up to this point you should have code that will compile. If not, let me know and we can work it out!
To run the binary: ./nori sample/path/to/scene.xml in the build folder.
There should be a scenes folder you can navigate into (the colorful bunny I want you guys to render should be at ../scenes/pa1/bunny.xml).
If you successfully run it, you'll see a gui pop up and it should just be a black window. This is because I want you guys to implement ray-triangle intersection! We didn't go too much into the math that you'll need to implement it, so you should look at Internet resources, but please don't look at the original source code of this ray tracer since that'll just be the answer!
Once you successfully find the method and implement the method for ray-triangle intersection and run the command ./nori ../scenes/pa1/bunny.xml, you should get a colorful bunny!
Make sure to recompile your code before you run this command though (cmake ..; make -j) since you'll need to update your binary after changes.

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