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I Made a Website!

Looks like I’ve finally been able to make a website!

In case you’re interested in building a quick and easy personal site of your own, I highly recommend the Jekyll framework. It makes configuring basic pages incredibly easy, and it has an incredible selection of available themes, which makes it easy to build a beautiful, responsive website. As a point of reference, the extent of my web knowledge is editing a few tags and paragraphs on the UCM ACM website, but I was able to get this whole site up and working properly in a single weekend—and I threw out the theme I was working with and started over halfway through.

Jekyll really does make this process a whole lot easier, simply by having such a large ecosystem. I ran into a few problems while I was building this site, and almost all of them were easily solved with google searches (something I cannot say for it’s Haskell cousin Hakyll). If you’re not convinced, Adrian Sampson of Cornell has some more reasons why Jekyll is the way to go.

A lot of the ideas for this webpage (the page as a whole, not just this blog post) came from Adrian Sampson of Cornell. While I tried many, many Jekyll themes on the way to this design, the ultimate version is based off of the excellent Jekyll Now theme.