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Regrade Requests

Grading errors happen. There’s bugs in scripts, the grader gets tired, your handwriting was messy, or a piece of paper got dropped somewhere.

If you think your grade was in error, you can request a regrade. Unlike some classes, I do not stipulate that your grade can go up or down on regrade request. However, there are other rules you must adhere to to request a regrade. These rules are in place to prevent a denial-of-service attack on the instructor: failure to follow them may result in your request being entirely ignored.

To request a regrade, send me a message (email/Canvas/Piazza) requesting a regrade. It can be in any plaintext format (Markdown, text attachment, or in the email body) but please do not send me formats like PDF or MS Word. Your regrade request must include the following:

  • Your name

  • Your EID

  • The assignment that you are requesting a regrade for.

  • Clear evidence that the original grade was in error. Acceptable examples include:

    • It said I lost points for not commenting herpaderpa, but the comment is right there on line 25.

    • The homework answer is wrong. It says that A is the correct choice, but if you try to compile that, you get an error. B compiles correctly and does what the question asks.

    • My grade on Canvas is 🐈, which isn’t actually a score.

      Unacceptable examples include:

    • My answer is technically wrong, but I think it’s deserving of more credit because I showed that I understood the function of herpaderpatron.

    • I think your answer key is wrong, but I can’t explain why.

    • I really need this grade to get into {grad, med, law} school.

Finally, note that your regrade request must comply with the Four Corners Rule. Everything that I need to evaluate the request should be within the four corners of the page. This applies even if I tell you to submit a regrade request: in these cases, I am telling you that the thing you’ve brought up is worth looking at further, not that a regrade will automatically be approved. Justifications of “because you said to submit a regrade” will be rejected unless other evidence is also presented.