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This course schedule is approximate and may need to be sped up or slowed down depending on how fast we end up going during the semester.


Projects are due the the same day the next project goes out. New projects will go out after lecture, while old projects will be due at midnight, so there is a small bit of overlap.


Quizzes will be given every other week (with a small grace period at the beginning of the semester)


Day Subject Project Quizzes
9/2 LABOR DAY: No class
9/9 Logistics and C++ Overview Miniproject Out
9/16 The 60-Minute Intro to C++ Project 0 Out
9/23 Memory, References, and Pointers
9/30 Intro to Objects: Basic OOP and Overloading Project 1 Out Quiz 1
10/7 Inheritance and Style
10/14 Stack, Heap, and RAII Project 2 Out Quiz 2
10/21 Algorithm, Iterators, Lambdas
10/28 Templates Quiz 3
11/4 LValues, RValues, and Move Semantics Project 3 Out Quiz 4
11/11 I Own You: Smart Pointers
11/18 Deep dive: zero-cost abstractions Quiz 5
11/25 The C++ Ecosystem: CMake, Libraries, and Others
12/2 C++ Odds and Ends Project 3 Due Quiz 6
12/9 Bonus Lecture