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Project 1: Arkanoid

The skeleton tarball for this project can be found here.

out of 100 points, 115 points hard cap

  1. TOC {:toc}

In this project, you will implement the game logic for a game called Arkanoid, which is a simple clone of Breakout. The player controls a paddle at the bottom of the screen to bounce a ball around and eliminate as many bricks as possible. You will implement such a game for this assignment.


Video games like Arkanoid are usually implemented with the game loop pattern. The main function of the program consists of a simple loop that looks like this:

	while (!gameOver) {
		playerInput = readInput();

Every iteration of the loop consists of three steps: (1) read the player’s input, (2) update the game world according to the input, and (3) render the game world onto the screen. We will primarily focus on game updates (step 2) in this project.

Directions and Hints

Download the skeleton project

Download the the assignment file project1.tar.gz to the lab computers (physically or using scp). Unpack the tarball:

	> tar -xvf project1.tar.gz

This will create a new directory called project1 in the current directory with the tarball unpacked under it. Take a look at the skeleton code. There are several headers + code files, as well as a Makefile that encodes rules for how to compile the project. You can invoke the makefile by typing make in the project directory (though this will fail at first because the implementations are missing).

Read through the skeleton code before starting. C++ convention holds that header files should contain high-level comments about what functions/classes do and how they fit in to the program, while cpp files should contain implementation details. We will use this convention for the rest of the class: read the headers to discover what functions should do and why, and instructions for trickier implementations will be in the cpp files.

Modifying the Code

The starter code you have been given represents the bare minimum of what you must implement for a working project (at least, as far as the autograder is concerned). However, you are not restricted to using just the provided methods.

Other students who have done these projects have noted that, e.g. it’s really annoying to have to repeatedly calculate the width of a Paddle. If you find yourself thinking “gosh, it’s really annoying that I have to do X over and over again”, you should probably look into some way of automating that (functions are a good one). Similarly, the classes do not have any variables, which makes it very difficult to store object data. You should definitely fix this.

However, there are some things you should not change. While you should not modify any of the function signatures in the skeleton code (i.e. any functions you were given), it is vital that you do not edit any printing functions in the skeleton! This printing code will be used to evaluate the correctness of your implementation: any changes could immediately render your entire project “wrong” from the perspective of the autograder.

Implementing Game Updates

Once you have a rough idea of how all the pieces fit together, you can start writing code. All functions that you need to implement have // TODO: Implement me above them in the code. Some will have additional comments (either in the cpp or in the header) that explain how they should work.

I recommend implementing the functions in Ball, Brick, and Paddle before you start implementing the functions in World. If you accidentally delete the comment-instructions, you can restore them from version control (you are using version control, right?) or find a backup set of instructions here.

If you have a question about various containers (e.g. vector), check Don’t be afraid to make a small program just to try out some code. The compiler is your friend.

Style Considerations

The larger your programs get, the easier it is to make mistakes, and the more work you must put into guarding against them.

In this assignment, you should take particular care to avoid using global variables, and make sure that your implementations are completely separate from your interfaces: make sure your class member definitions are only in .cc or .cpp files.


While Arkanoid is a game and is best evaluated by the good old-fashioned MK1 eyeball, I (unfortunately) do not have the time to attempt to play and trigger edge cases in this many games. Therefore, your evaluation will be based entirely on text-based measures: the testing framework will feed your program a string that represents the game to simulate, and your program will print a string that represents the new game state after the simulation.

Within the main function, there should already be some code that reads an input string and sets up a game. If you’d like, you can use that text input functionality to test your game, or you can set up your own tests.

Playing Arkanoid

Once you implement the classes for the game, you can play it using a GUI on the lab computers using the following steps:

	> make game
	> ./game

In order for the code to work, you need a GUI and an installed version of libSDL2. The easiest way to get this is to use (physically) one of the lab machines, though it can also be built on Linux and MacOS if you install the libraries yourself.

Submission and Grading

Make sure to read the general project grading rules.

You will submit a single tarball called project1.tar.gz which contains a folder inside called project1. I must be able to do the following in an automated manner:

	tar -xf project1.tar.gz
	cd project1
	make clean
	<test input>

Make sure you do not change any of the provided printing functions, or your code may break the autograder.

If you have any questions about the assignment, please ask on Piazza.

Stretch Objectives

If you finish the project early and have time to burn, you might consider trying one of these stretch goals. They will give you small amounts of bonus points, capped at 15 points.

Fair warning: these stretch goals are not easy, and are more designed so that those of you who want to learn a little more about the weird fringes of C++ can cut your teeth. You will get many more points from implementing the main project well and testing it thoroughly than you will get from these bonuses.

If you attempt these, you must make sure your code still compiles on the lab machines and does not interfere with the correctness of the results. For this project, you will have to add new files and new rules to the Makefile. Make sure you document them in your README!

Stretch A: Better Game Experience (5pts)

The current update rules for the paddle are a little boring: the ball will always bounce away at the same angle no matter where we hit the paddle. A more interesting update (which gives the user more control) is to split the paddle into a number of segments. If the ball hits close to the center, it is reflected normally, while if it hits one of the outer segments, it reflects more in that direction.

In addition, if you try the game, you may notice that we have no ball-brick bounces. This was made to simplify the grading, but it doesn’t make for a great game. Make the ball bounce when it hits a brick.

Implement this scheme in your world update. In your README, explain exactly what scheme you used (how do you determine which section of the paddle the ball hit? How much did you decide to deflect the ball by? How do you implement the reflection? How many sections are on your paddle?), and how I can test the result.

Remember that you must not change the behavior of your original solution! A solution here is to make a second executable (e.g. arkanoid-better) that has this behavior.

Stretch B: Make things pretty (up to 5pts)

This is for those of you who want to explore graphics code a little more. Edit game.cpp to make the game prettier. There’s no set objective here: pick something you think will look cool and implement it. The graphics code uses libsdl2–you can find their wiki at

For a rough idea of point values, something like varying colors on the bricks will be worth one point, while a cool-looking particle trail system on the ball might be worth 3.

Explain in your README exactly what you chose to implement, and how to enable those changes (if relevant).

Stretch C: Object Pooling (10pts)

Implement a system where every 20 seconds (~1200 frames), a new wave of bricks comes down from the top, pushing existing bricks down. The game now ends if the ball goes off the bottom edge of the screen OR if a brick makes it to the bottom edge.

In practice, most games do not want to allocate a bunch of new rectangles when drawing a new line, because memory management is expensive. If you have too many rectangles to allocate, the game may noticeably freeze.1 To get around this, many actual games end up using object pooling, where there’s a fixed-size pool of objects already allocated at the start, and you simply re-use them as needed.

You must implement this line-of-bricks system without making any calls to memory allocation. Things like creating a vector or using new are strictly forbidden. You may assume that you will have no more than 1024 bricks on screen at any point in time.

Explain in your README how to enable this new mode of your game. I will test it by running it in a debugger and intercepting any calls to malloc(). There will be a few calls made by library code, but if there are any calls coming from your code, you will lose points on this stretch objective.

  1. If you use a language like Java where the allocation is instant, you end up paying the cost during garbage collection instead. ↩︎