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Project Report

Every project you submit will have a report, with the name “” or “README.txt”. The contents of the file should look like this:

<Project Name> Report for <Your EID>

## Instructions

<Project instructions go here>

## Report

<Project report goes here>

Replace the text between < and > with the appropriate information.

Project Instructions

Place instructions for how to run your project here. For early projects, this will likely be “open the file in Processing and click Run”. However, in later projects, you will need to provide more detailed instructions.

When writing these instructions, you should assume that you are writing for a CS 313E student who has downloaded Processing, but does not have any further knowledge about Processing. There should be enough information in your instructions for them to see all the functionality. For example, if you need to press a key to see some feature, you should describe what key and what the expected response is: otherwise, the only way to figure out what keys do what is to read the Processing source code. This applies even if the keypresses are prescribed in the project instructions. For example, if the project requires that your program does Q when the user presses ‘W’, you still need to mention this in your instructions.

Similarly, if your project need external libraries to run, you need to assume you are describing the process to someone who does not know Processing. Do you need to visit a website? Which buttons do you click to install the library?

If we are unable to run your project using the instructions you provide, and we determine that the error was something you could have reasonably forseen, you will lose points on the project.

Project Report

The project report is for you to provide commentary on your project. The simplest report simply states that you implemented all required features. However, if you implemented extra features, or if something isn’t quite working, or you want to flag some specific code, this is the place to do it.

You should also mention any large blocks of code that you did not write yourself in this report.

Project report contents might include:

  • What you implemented
  • Any interesting features or extra credit within the program
  • Any software your program relies on that you didn’t write
  • Any unresolved issues with the program

If you are attempting extra credit, describe what you did here or the features may not be graded.