Assignment 1: Introduction to Processing
You are to familiarize yourself with Processing by drawing a scene using several shape primitives and shape primitive attributes and then creating some small animation. The goal is to gain an understanding of the Processing coordinate system and commands while generating a creative artifact.
Your code will create a lightly animated image that is at least 500x500 pixels in size. This scene will contain at minimum:
3 types of geometric primitives. These can be any of the geometric primitives we covered in class.
3 types of stroke weights. This can include noStroke.
4 colors. These should be stored in a way that's easy to access/understand by name.
One of these shapes being animated on the screen. This animation should loop so that it continues to play no matter how long the animation has been running.
You will also include a short write up explaining what you are depicting and anything interesting in terms of its features. This doesn't have to be long -- it's just to help you analyze and reflect on the process.
The default Processing mode is Java, which we will be using throughout the semester.
You will name your Processing project folder youreid_assignment1. The Processing project itself will be named youreid_assignment1.pde within that folder.
You will submit the following in the folder youreid_assignment1:
Zip this folder and submit via Canvas.
You'll be graded on how well you met the requirements of the assignment according to a holistic scale. D quality work (60-69) means features are not working or only marginally working. C quality work (70-79) is implementing the features but in a way that is mostly working, but is buggy and has difficult to read code. B quality work (80-89) is implementing the features in a way that works and has no notable bugs, but may have scaling issues, or lacks consideration for tuning and iterating in terms of code implementation. A quality work (90-100) is implementing the features in robust, polished way that demonstrates consideration for tuning and scaling and has well-written code.