Project Description
You are to familiarize yourself with Processing or by
drawing a scene using several shape primitives and shape primitive
attributes. The goal is to gain an understanding of the Processing
coordinate system and commands while generating a creative artifact.
Basic Requirements
Your code will create a static image that is at least 500x500 pixels in size. This scene will contain at minimum:
3 types of geometric primitives
3 types of stroke weights
4 colors
You will also include a short write up explaining what you are
depicting and anything interesting in terms of its features. This
doesn't have to be long -- it's just to help you analyze and reflect on
the process.
Extra Credit
All assignments have possible extensions that you might consider adding
to your scene for extra credit. Note that if the submission is well
beyond the scope of the assignment, we will consider giving extra credit
even if the features implemented are not ones suggested below.
Bezier curves (1 point)
Use the Bezier function to generate curved geometric objects within the
scene to obtain a higher degree of curve customization than is possible
with the arc function.
Getting Started
In order to complete this assignment, you must download Processing from the
Processing website. Go to the
Download and select the version of Processing you'll require based on your operating system. Choose Processing version 3.0 or later.
The default Processing mode is Java, which we will be using throughout the semester.
You will name your Processing project folder youreid_assignment1. The
Processing project itself will be named youreid_assignment1.pde within
that folder.
What to turn in
You will submit the following in the folder youreid_assignment1:
- An Processing file named youreid_assignment1.pde that generates
the desired image. This file should be executable upon clicking "Play."
If we are unable to successfully run your code, points will
automatically be deducted.
- A README text file that tells us the exact steps necessary
to run your code. In this initial project, it will likely be as simple
as "open the .pde file and click 'Run' to display the image" but as
projects get more complicated, this README will become essential for
timely execution of the codebase.
- A project description text file that tells us what
functionality you've implemented, any other interesting features of the
program (e.g. why you made the design decisions you did to create
interesting features/pull out relevant information), any software it
relies on that you didn't write, and issues you encountered if there are
unresolved problems. Again, this is trivial in this first assignment,
but it will become critical for later assignments and any extra credit
Zip this folder and submit via Canvas.
You'll be graded on how well you met the requirements of the assignment according to a holistic scale. D quality work (60-69) means features are not working or only marginally working. C quality work (70-79) is implementing the features but in a way that is mostly working, but is buggy and has difficult to read code. B quality work (80-89) is implementing the features in a way that works and has no notable bugs, but may have scaling issues, or lacks consideration for tuning and iterating in terms of code implementation. A quality work (90-100) is implementing the features in robust, polished way that demonstrates consideration for tuning and scaling and has well-written code.