CS354p Assignment 4

Screenshot from Final Fantasy VI by SquareEnix
Final Fantasy VI copyright SquareEnix

Assignment 4: Game State

Project Description

For this project, you will be exploring game state management as you create a basic RPG. The gameplay itself can be 3D or 2D, but you will be working with GameInstance and UMG functionality extensively as the main feature we will be evaluating.

Basic Requirements

Your game will contain the following features:

  1. A "world map" that allows a playable character to move
  2. A "battle screen" where combat takes place between the player and world enemies
  3. At least one playable character with at least three moves, who can level up stats
  4. At least one enemy type with at least three moves
Remember that while you can use Blueprints to handle tunable parameters and the composition of functionality, we try to build all basic functionality directly in C++. For example, you can create a class that inherits from Character in C++ that has BlueprintCallable functions, and then create a child Blueprint class of this Character, which performs these functions in its Event Graph.

The exceptions are things where working in C++ actively ignores the tools provided by UE5 (rather than working with the tools provided). Things you should consider working with Blueprints directly are: Animation Blueprints and/or Paper2dSprites, use of Timelines and Sequencer for other animation sequences, and the visual design aspects of UMG widgets.

Getting Started

Name your project CS354p_A4. This project does not specify 2D or 3D graphics, nor does it specify grid-based versus free-moving, so you are welcome to set up your game as you'd like. You should have at least some conversation about this as these decisions greatly affect how you'll implement physics and collision detection and therefore how you set up your Actors and World.

If you would like to make a 2D game, you may want to look into the Paper2D plugin, which provides tilemap, sprite, and flipbook (sprite animation) support. There aren't a lot of tutorials for integrating it with C++, and while it's relatively straightforward (you can add a PaperFlipbookComponent and a PaperSpriteComponent to your Pawn to handle the sprite animations), you can also fix the camera along the Y-axis and make the camera Orthographic to create pseudo-2D (throw on a nice Post Process Material to make it look like pixel art as a bonus).

World Map Requirements

The world map should be some space where the player character and enemies are visible and can navigate. The world map should either stop the player from leaving it, or wrap around so the player can never leave it. You can also choose how the player navigates the map (e.g. WASD controls or point-and-click movement, etc). You should spawn enemies on the world map itself so the player can see them before starting an encounter. The enemies can either move randomly, along a path, or target the player as the player approaches (you don't need to worry about building out a Behavior Tree unless you want to). When an enemy overlaps with the player character, the character and enemies enter into a battle mode.

Battle Screen Requirements

Combat will take place in a separate scene. Depending on the type of combat, this scene setup will vary wildly. For a more traditional turn-based RPG, you may be able to place everything in a UMG, which is used for UI elements. If you are making an action rpg, you will need something more top-down or isometric. If you making a tactical rpg, you will need some notion of a "board" in addition to player actions.

Regardless of which type you choose, your battle screen should have at least some UI system (clickable is okay, but I'd prefer hotkeys) with selectable actions and visual representations of the playable character's current status, as well as a way to display the enemy's actions and status. This does not need to be elaborate, or even particularly intuitive so long as you have good documentation. The exercise is about working with context-sensitive UI/using persistent data.

Playable Character Requirements

The playable character should be visible on both the world map and battle map at all times. When a battle occurs, they move from the world map to the battle screen, where they must either defeat the enemies or escape from combat without dying. Thus the playable character should have the following properties:

They will also have at least the following abilities during combat:

Their ability to attack is based on some function related to their strength. Their ability to Defend is based on some function related to their defense. Evasion affects how likely they are to dodge an attack by the enemy and also their ability to escape from battles. If the current hit points for all playable characters reach zero, the game ends. If the character(s) defeat enough enemies, they can gain levels, which raises their base stats. You can choose whether leveling replenishes health or not, or if you want some sort of item that regenerates health. That said, playable characters should not regenerate health after defeating an enemy and returning to the world map.

As a gentle reminder, we aren't here to make fun games -- just to understand how games are made. RPGs are incredibly challenging games to tune for "fun" so do your best creating these stat curves, but don't worry if your game isn't ready for release.

Enemy Requirements

The enemies should be visible on both the world map (if they have not been defeated) and within the battle map. When a battle occurs, the enemy will be controlled by the computer and combat the playable characters. Thus enemies should have at least the following properties:

They will also have at least the following abilities during combat: Notably enemies cannot level up even though they have a current level. If they are defeated, they are removed from the world map when the player returns, and if they defeat the playable character(s), the game ends. You are free to determine how the enemy chooses its next move using any algorithm you'd like, including random -- just make sure you document expected behavior and how you implemented it.

Extra Credit

Note that extra credit points will only be available after completing the minimum requirements.

Advanced RPG Features (5 points)

RPGs need a little more than the minimum requirements to be fun. Things like inventory systems, gearing systems, ability systems, party composition, narrative systems etc are where the fun really starts. Put in one (or more) of these systems to give your game a little flare. Note, you are capped at 5 points extra credit, so multiple system implementations will not stack for multiple extra credits.

Getting Started

You will be working in UE5.2, so first ensure all team members have downloaded the exact same version of UE5. Create a C++ blank project from the templates and name it CS354p_A4. Please do not use the existing templates. They are good for learning, but it's always best to customize your project to your exact needs rather than trying to fit another project into meeting your approximate needs.

Once you have a project created, now is the time to get your project connected to a git repo. This means creating a .gitingore, and .gitattributes (via git-lfs).

Note that if you do use the Paper2D plugin, you need to consider how to handle that within your git repo. You can either include the plugin within your project, or expect users to install the plugin on their working machine before starting. The latter option is more space efficient, but make sure your README specifies exact instructions so there's no confusion while grading.

Project Milestone

  1. Documentation: You will turn in a document with the following information:
    • Overall design of your game. What style of RPG are you going to implement? What are the mechanics and features you'll need to implement? What other code and assets are required? Try not to be too ambitious. It's better to aim for a game prototype with one or two working features than half a dozen broken, or only sort of working, features.
    • Software architecture and plan. How are you going to structure your classes and data? What properties will be exposed to the editor? If it looks like you won't be able to meet your deadline, how can you scale back during the second week? This should be detailed enough to include methods you'll be overriding, and methods/fields you'll be creating in your extensions. It should also detail the component hierarchy associated with each Actor, and consider how/where persistent data should be stored. Please include explanations of the code you've implemented and detailed breakdowns of how you will implement code that is not implemented.
    • Division of labor. In terms of the delivered capabilities, who is responsible for which parts of the code, and what is your plan for meeting up? My experience is that teams who meet up and code together on a regular basis create a more cohesive, functional project than teams where everyone works autonomously and tries to come together at the end. Keep this in mind during your planning stage.

      Note that you should also specify who has done what at this point in the project. Since the milestone is now a substantial percentage of the project's grade, your milestone grade will be adjusted based on your contributions to the code base during this phase of the project.

  2. Project Demo: Within the submitted GitLab repo, you should also link an initial demo of your proposed game for the Milestone. This demo can be simple, but we need to see a rudimentary version of the game, so we can gauge whether or not you're on track. You may want to include some subtitles explaining what is happening in the footage you are showing.

Project Submissions

The only required submission for Canvas is a link to your project's repository. The TA will be looking at the branch called codefreeze, so make sure you have created and committed working code to this branch before the deadline. Any commits made after the deadline will result in that day being deducted from your late slip pool. You project's repository should also include the following:

You must also add me and the TA to the project with suffcient permissions to clone the repository.
Last modified: 10/31/23 by Sarah Abraham theshark@cs.utexas.edu